If you have a friend or know someone that is an atheist or a nonbeliever in God, I would suggest that you e-mail this article to them. When I say the word God, I don't mean the Christian, Jewish, Hindu or Muslim God or gods. I would be referring to a universal spirit or entity and maybe this entity could be in each and every one of us. Not some supreme commander who rules the universe with a sword and sacks of gold.
I want you to ask yourself one question, can you sensibly explain how the universe was created? If you can, I would love to hear from you. Does it make sense to you that, plants grow effortlessly in the soil, some with very little water and nutrients? When a child is born, how does it know how to eat and the same question could be applied to animals, fish and birds?
Does it really make sense that we evolved from nothing?
Where did we come from and where do you think we are going?
How do our bodies know when to breath? What is it that regulates our heartbeat? How is it possible for us to think about raising our arm and our legs don't raise instead? How come a poor woman can create a child with very little effort and science has great difficulties performing this task? Not to mention it's very expensive.
Where did the original molecules come from?, that created the next molecules and how were they assembled so precisely to even make a single cell animal? I'm not talking about a complicated insect or even a rodent and couldn't even fathom how a man and women were formed through this process.
How does the mind eat, breathe, talk, drink, move its arms and legs, all during the process of watching the television show, with very little conscious thought?
I've always found it hard to believe that there isn't something out there, even though it's mysterious and unexplainable. To an atheist this might sound far-fetched and stupid but can you answer these questions. I don't want to beat you up, but have you ever thought about them. Do you even want to know the answers?
Atheism without knowledge isn't any different than organized religion following books put together by men, that often are outdated and contradictory.
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Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.
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