1John 4:7-21 teaches us all about God and his perfect love for us. Since God is love, how is this love reflected in our Christian walk. When you look in your inner self, do you see yourself loving like our Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that he that loves not does not know God. This is very true as the christian faith is founded on the word love.
There is nothing in a born again believer's life without Love. For God is love, what is love. In the book of 1Corinthians 13 we get a deeper understanding of the christian love. Love is kind, suffers long it never fails, keeps no record of wrongs and it never fails.
For God is love, this means that no matter how many times we fall short of his glory, we can still go back and ask his forgiveness. He will take us back and embrace us like a true father that he is. For God is love, he is also merciful. There is nothing he cannot do for you as long us you remain in his will. Ask in faith and you shall receive it.
Do not despair, for God is love, he will intervene in your situation. Maybe you have done things that you are not proud of and you cannot even imagine how God can still love you. The fact is, he loves you unconditionally no matter what you do. If you ask for his forgiveness and ask him to be your Lord and Saviour, he will do exactly that. When you do this, your heart will be filled with untold peace and joy. Your life will never be the same again.
Angela Mwema is a messenger to the world with the true and living word of God. Please visit her site for more spiritual nourishment. This is God and Love.
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