Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Daniel And End-Time Math

What is the specific order of events for the end of all things? The disciples wanted to know this, and we do too. Let's do the math and see if we can get some insights into this problem. Turn to Daniel 9.

First we learn that a period of seventy "sevens" , divided into three separate time categories, will complete all Jewish history. The Hebrew word translated "weeks" simply means a period of seven units of time. The year is the only unit that makes sense of the prophecy. So seventy periods of seven years each, or 490 years, is the full amount of time with which we have to work. We understand that these 490 years are not consecutive, but contain a major interruption of history, in which we live even now.

Next we discover what exactly must happen during those 490 years.

1. Sin will be dealt a death blow via Messiah's death and His return to create a perfect Satan-bound world. Sin will be judged, then eradicated.

2. Every prophecy related to Judaism, given by the prophets, will be fulfilled.

3. The "Most Holy" will be anointed. Does this refer to the baptismal scene of Jesus, where the Spirit descended on Jesus? Or is this Psalm 45:7, where God anoints Jesus as ruler over all the earth? No matter. Both events occur in the 490 years.

4. Everlasting righteousness will be brought in, that is, the Millennial-Eternal reign of Christ begins.

That's a tall order for only 490 years. Some of it has already happened.

Next, having stated what will happen, he spells out when the time period will begin. The announcement that Jews are going back to Jerusalem to dwell in their own land is seen as the signal for Jewish history to continue and begin its final round. This announcement is given twice in Scripture: II Chronicles 36:22-23 and on the next page of your Bible, Ezra 1:1-4. We are told there was historically another announcement given and that there are different ways of counting, but the vast majority of those who have studied this prophecy agree that from this moment in time, whenever it precisely occurred, until the Messiah, was 483 years.

Why 483 and not 490? The prophecy states that there will be two divisions of time between the announcement and the Messiah's death (Daniel uses the term "cut off"). First, a forty-nine year period of rebuilding, followed by a 434 year period leading up to the Christ's work. 49 + 434 = 483.

In my thinking these first two verses, and these first two periods of time, are very straightforward and seem to be consecutive. Christians have rejoiced in this passage for centuries as it was so succinct and clear that the Holy Spirit was telling us exactly when Messiah would come the first time! Yet, one reflects, the world knew Him not, though this simple math, added to the prophecy about Bethlehem, and many more were there for the reading.

So it shall be in the last days. Though Bibles and books and booklets will abound telling people exactly when and where to look for antichrist and Christ, the world and the professing church will ignore them, in pursuit of feel-good religion and the worries of this life.

Though verses 24-25 are easily grasped, 26 and 27 cannot be tackled so quickly. Perhaps they, along with all passages on this topic have been deliberately "muddied" , to insure they are hidden until the right time. I confess I still have questions here and elsewhere in this study. I share with you the things of which I am certain. Others will certainly pick up the rest when it is time.

After the second time period of 434 years, Messiah is killed. "But not for Himself!" Don't you love the way the Spirit injects this sad but wonderful truth in the midst of a preview of history? Now is this immediately after? Some time after? And the destruction of Jerusalem foretold in verse 26, is it the one that indeed occurred after Jesus, or the one we have already seen coming at the end?

Here I can only give my opinion. I believe that consistency to the text and all the other similar texts in Daniel demands that we place this portion of the prophecy in the end time. For in verse 27 that follows there is no question that the war mentioned must be at the end.

Nevertheless, I am not in denial that Rome did destroy Jerusalem shortly after Jesus was crucified, that temple worship stopped, that the city was surrounded, that Jews fled... much of this will be repeated in the last days, and lead to Christ's return.

So the math isn't that bad after all. The "announcement" + 483 years = Jesus' first coming + the present "interruption" + seven more years = Jesus' second coming. Now I did not discuss that extra seven years, but that will have to be saved for another article. is a website I put together a few months back to get the word out to believers that they need to pray for North Korea. Just about every day I'm writing a blog featuring some news, a book, or a story of North Korea. There's a live news feed on the site, lists of resources, picture essays, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together!

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Who are you? Would love to fellowship with believers who respond on my site.

Goal Setting For Success

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