Saturday, July 11, 2009

How Daniel Saw The Anti-Christ and the End of All Things

Let's look at the last prophecy of a 91-year-old man of God, Daniel the prophet, following the lead of Jesus who told us that we are to be in search of the abomination of desolation mentioned by this man (Matthew 24:15).

Daniel 10, 11, and 12, are all a part of one long prophecy. In those 3 chapters, there is extensive preparation, followed by the prediction itself, then some follow-up questions to deal with.

We cannot get past the first verse (10:1) without seeing an odd phrase: "the appointed time." The Spirit wants us to know that the time of this fulfillment will be "long". Later, the "time of the end" is mentioned, as in chapter 8.

After a period of sorrowful fasting over some unknown issues, probably longing to know more of the plan of God (verse 12), Daniel sees a vision much like John will about 600 years later on the island called Patmos. The first person he sees seems to be the Son of God. Mixed in with messages from this Person are those of the angel Gabriel, who tells Daniel that once more he has been sent to him, but was involved heavily in spiritual warfare with demons controlling Persia and Greece, the two nations that were the subject of chapter 8. This latter piece of information points us to Gabriel as opposed to Jesus. As in Revelation there is some confusion about who is being seen, who is talking.

But whoever is talking, it seems as though this message to Daniel is being opposed in a mighty way. After all, if Daniel receives this message and passes it on, the Enemy's plan will be exposed for the whole world and church to see. But although the angel prevails, and the message is recorded, the book of Daniel has been hit so hard by "scholars" that in many circles it is totally discredited. Those who do believe it is the very word of God find that most churches just aren't interested. After all, merely to read the book is to "name names" of people and nations. So it is not politically correct to preach from it. Those who take it seriously have relegated all its prophecies to the past, making it true but irrelevant. We have the word of angels to the contrary, but thus will the book remain "sealed" until the time is upon us (12:9). What wisdom of God! How the Enemy must have thought he had ripped this book from the Collection. But he will be exposed in due time!

In the remaining verses of chapter 10, Daniel is encouraged, strengthened, so that he can take in the predictive details of the following message, nearly every one of which certainly happened in history. But it is the way that history blends into prophecy that is the fascination of this message. Before you have heard it all, you too may need time to regain your strength. Are you ready for this?

The prophecy proper begins in chapter 11.And those first few verses are nothing more than chapter 8:3-8 retold. . He starts with familiar ground, and leads into greater detail. Persia is in chapter 8? Here, It shall rise. It shall be great. A Persian king (we call him Xerxes) will stir up trouble with Greece ( the push west is mentioned in 8). Indeed the march of Xerxes' armies westward was rivaled in history only by the subsequent eastward march of Alexander the Great, mentioned here in verse 3. Verse 4 then tells of the breaking up of Alexander's Kingdom among his four generals (not among family members, adds this chapter's vision). All known facts, right?

11:5-20 . The Spirit then travels ahead to the kingdoms that arise from Alexander's heritage. He lets us know that they have been established now, and are in competition. But his focus has narrowed already from four to only two. Later it is one that will be at center stage, the one from whence comes "the little horn." For this is where the angel is leading us...

The little horn. The man of sin. The antichrist. is a website I put together a few months back to get the word out to believers that they need to pray for North Korea. Just about every day I'm writing a blog featuring some news, a book, or a story of North Korea. There's a live news feed on the site, lists of resources, picture essays, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together!

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Who are you? Would love to fellowship with believers who respond on my site.

Religion Articles

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