Friday, July 31, 2009

Antiochus Epiphanes - The Anti-Christ?

So the book of Daniel is historical, you say? Already done in history, you say? Yes, that can be proved. And it was done again to some extent in A.D. 70. And history will repeat itself one more time...Jesus said that when we see the event Daniel spoke of, it's quitting time. And that same event is here before us in chapter 11 of Daniel. The army. The defiling. The removal of sacrifices. The abomination put in place. The chaos. The desolation. The martyrs. The heroes. Daniel spoke of end time events here and in chapter 8 and 9 and 12. To be consistent, I suggest that the events of verses 29-35 will be back on the world's stage.

Consider the history: Antiochus, like his father of the same name, is out to conquer the world. He is stopped by Rome and Jewish desire for independence. He dies an utter failure, diseased and heavily in debt. It seems to me that his return is very significant to him and it makes sense that one of his first moves will be "South", to pick up where he left off. This time he must conquer Rome, control it, and claim the planet as his own.

Perhaps the reason we have had such difficulty in the past identifying the man of sin is because he has been hiding in plain sight in the book of Daniel. Nowhere is this more true than in these few verses. Notice that nowhere, even yet, are we told exactly what the abomination is! Checking history you will find a pig and an idol. But Daniel does not say that. He deliberately keeps the end-time option open.

Verses 32-35, referring to the way antichrist uses the Jewish people, and the suffering of other Jews who will not compromise, can easily be seen historically or prophetically. A savvy leader knows how to win people to his cause, in any generation. But God's people will forever be strong and creative, whether they are called Maccabee or modern saint. And as throughout church history, the Lord's army is willing to die at the hands of those who hate them.

Verse 35 is yet another key to the dual role of this passage. It is linked by word usage to chapter 12, verse 10. Look at both:

11:35, "...those of understanding shall fall to refine them, purge them, and make them white..." 12:10, "Many shall be purified, made white, and refined..."

Yes, chapter 12 is in the column of "end-time" events. The linkage between chapters 11 and 12 is important. Another such link is 11:31 and 12:11. Between these two passages we learn of the abomination of desolation, its happening, its duration, its placement at the end.

From verse 36 on through the rest of chapter 11 and 12, there is general agreement among Bible believers that the subject is the end of history. Our job now is to find clues that the man being described from 36-45 is the same man as was pointed out from verse 21. And once that is established, our crisis is no longer one of understanding, but believing.

The traditional line of thought here is that Daniel is referring in the earlier verses to Antiochus Epiphanes, a great "type" of the antichrist, but that the last verses are the antichrist himself, totally disassociated from the prior verses. It is that thinking I am asking readers to challenge, based on the text itself, and some mysteries that the book of Revelation and the letter to Thessalonica point out.

Yes, I am saying that Antiochus Epiphanes is the antichrist, not just a type of him. The literal rendition of these verses seems to be able to carry no other meaning. is a website I put together a few months back to get the word out to believers that they need to pray for North Korea. Just about every day I'm writing a blog featuring some news, a book, or a story of North Korea. There's a live news feed on the site, lists of resources, picture essays, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together!

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Who are you? Would love to fellowship with believers who respond on my site.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Perfect Letter in 6 Quick & Easy Steps

This article will show you a simple, step-by-step formula to quickly and easily write a character reference letter that you can be extremely proud of.

If you've ever been asked to write a character reference letter, you know the anxiety that the request can create. The first thought is usually "how in the world do you even write one?" And this thought is quickly followed by such questions as "what do I say?" and "what if I say the wrong things and make the person look bad?"

The fear and unanswered questions can be very troubling. But, rest assured that if you know the person you're going to write about and use the information presented in this article, you won't have anything to worry about.

But understand this. If someone you're not comfortable with asks you to write them a character reference letter or if you can't think of enough good things to say about the person, then it will be better if you can find a way to get out of writing it. However, if you just can't say no to them or can't get out of doing it, well, just follow the information presented here as best you can.

So What Is A Character Reference Letter All About?

A character reference letter (also sometimes referred to as a letter of personal reference or personal recommendation) is used to recommend someone for a position within a company or for some capacity within an organization. But, the primary objective is to share how the person you're writing about possesses the character traits that make them best suited for the position they're seeking.

A character reference letter is different from an employee reference letter and even a letter of recommendation.

A character reference letter is usually written by someone you know outside of work which could be a friend, neighbor or relative. It can also be written by a person with whom you have shared an experience with, like a teammate or fellow volunteer. And because of this, the tone of the letter is usually more casual than a letter of recommendation.

Character reference letters generally describe a person's positive qualities. Meaning, all of the good things are written about them while leaving out any of the bad. You want to put the person you're writing about in the best light possible without going overboard.

Steps To Organizing and Writing Your Character Reference Letter

Character letters that have the greatest impact are personal and heartfelt. So, the more you can write in your own words, the better it will be. But know that although a character reference letter might be less formal, you shouldn't just randomly include words in it.

A character reference letter speaks of your relationship to the person you're referring and your assessment of that person's abilities. It provides evidence from your personal observation that the person meets certain criteria and the letter centers itself on specific attributes to prove its effectiveness. So to organize such a personal testament for someone, your letter must have a proper structure.

The letter should be relatively short, usually no more than one typewritten page. The paragraphs only need to be 2 to 4 sentences.

Just follow the 6 steps and you can write a winning character reference letter in no time!

First Things First - Get Prepared

The first thing you should do once you've decided to write a character reference letter is to do a little prep work. You need to get information from the person who has asked you to write the letter.

- If possible, get the name and/or title of the person to whom the letter should be directed.

- Get the address of where or to whom you should mail the letter.

- Depending on what you're writing the letter for, get the job description or qualifications needed for the position they're seeking.

- Make sure you know exactly by what date they need the letter completed or mailed.

- Think of at least 3 strong, positive qualities that the person possesses that relate to the position they're seeking.

Start Writing The Letter

STEP 1: Date & Address

The person reading the letter will want to know that the reference is current and not from 5 or 10 years ago so include the date. Also include your full address

STEP 2: Salutation

Start with a salutation. If you know the full name of the person the letter is being addressed to, use it. Using their first and last name will increase the professionalism, and therefore the credibility of the letter.

If the person being addressed is not known or if you're unsure who it is or if the letter is being used for general purposes, simply use "To Whom It May Concern". However, if you know the title of the person being addressed, you can write, for example, "Dear Human Resources Director" to personalize the letter a little more.

Avoid using "Dear Sir or Madam" as well as Miss, Mrs., Ms., or Mr.

After all, how much credibility would your letter have if you wrote to "Mrs. Sydney Smith" only to find out that "Sydney Smith" is a man?!

STEP 3: The Opening

The opening is usually a paragraph of only a sentence or two. The opening paragraph explains who you are, how long you've known the person you're referring, and how you know them.

STEP 4: The Body

The body is the largest part of the letter. It can be several paragraphs. This is where you make the case for the person you're referring by describing your experiences with them and giving examples of the person's outstanding qualities or abilities.

It's best that you construct the letter around 1 to 3 of the person's best qualities. And try to keep these qualities somewhat related.

For example, suppose the person you're writing about is friendly, honest, intelligent, creative, responsible, and hardworking. Now, suppose also their seeking a supervisory position. A supervisor should be, among other things, friendly (able to get along easily with others), honest, and responsible. So it's best to build your letter around these qualities.

The examples of these experiences provided should be focused and direct, making them very easy for the reader to grasp. Usually, a paragraph of no more than 3 sentences for each quality should be enough.

Two pieces of very strong advice: When writing a character reference letter, don't go overboard sharing the person's positive qualities and be honest.

You need to understand something. The person who will be reading your letter already assumes that the letter writer is "pumping up" the person they're referring. So, to keep your letter more credible, you should provide proof that your high opinion of the person is legitimate. You can do this by explaining very specific events concerning the person you're referring.

An effective way to keep the credibility in your letter without it sounding like a bunch of hype is by telling one or more short, believable stories that you know personally about the person. In doing this, the experiences should illustrate the person's positive qualities. They should be examples of how the person behaves.

In the event you mention more than one incident, divide them into 2 different paragraphs and end the paragraph with the quality that should be highlighted with each example.

STEP 5: The Closing

The closing is the last part and doesn't have to be long. It summarizes and reinforces your belief in the person you're referring, why you believe they meet the qualifications, and contains your actual recommendation.

This is where you can say something about yourself by mentioning your credibility as to what qualifies you to make an assessment of the person's ability by way of the type and duration of your relationship to them.

STEP 6: The Valediction

End your letter with a valediction or complimentary closing, such as "Sincerely".

Leave three spaces and type your name. Include your title if it will help the person you're writing the letter for.

Complete the letter with your signature.

On a side note, include contact information so the person reviewing your letter can use in the event more information is required. But, adding this information can sometimes be a judgment call.

Final Comments

The bottom line is a character reference letter should be recently dated, short and to the point, and very professionally presented.

If you have excellent penmanship, the letter can be handwritten, but even still, it would better if you used a word processing program.

It may not be the best decision to show your finished letter to the person whom you're writing for. Reason being is the person may ask you to change something or to include some other information. Or, they may even feel disappointed that you didn't "pump them up" enough.

Be sure to mail the letter without delay.

Save yourself a ton time by going to and getting FREE character reference letter templates as well as many other business and personal letter templates. Just add your personal touch to them and BINGO! You have the perfect instant letter right when you need it.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Meeting The Monkey On Your Own Back

I have a friend. His name is Ubastard. I named him that because that's what he calls me when I let him. He lives in my head and is the monkey on my own back. I suspect I have befriended him by now and give him a comfy place to live in there, but I wish he would go away.

Ubastard has an amazing ability to bridge the gap between my mind and my emotions. Once he starts his dialogue with me, I can literally feel him connect the two. Since emotions are the body's reaction to the spinning of the mind, the little booger seems to have the amazing ability to start the processes of anxiety or a bit of depression at will. Ubastard!

I believe UB has live there since I was a kid but spent most of my own childhood just growing up himself. I don't remember all that many discussions with him when I was kid. I didn't even know his name was Ubastard until I went to Bible College. It wasn't really a seminary. The way the Bible was studied was to simply read it and weave it together in one complete incoherent whole. There was no study of the who, what, where, when, why and how's of scripture. I have had to do ALL that during my time as a Pastor and since. Let's face it, when you go to a denominational school, you get the denominational spin. I would have done better at Harvard Divinity School where one no doubt can freely admit to other perspectives on the topic. As a life long liberal Dutchman, I am sure I could have been persuaded to let go of guilt, shame and fear aspects of religion and enjoy the philosophical study of theology. But oh no, I had to affiliate with the literalists who feed Ubastard and inserted him in my mind when I was either deep in prayer or sleeping.

Anyway, at Bible College, one gets molded, shaped and eventually cloned into the very image of God, even though you don't. I remember sitting in first year Bible class which was a survey of the harmonious Gospels which later I came to see aren't. We heard a lot about the life and times of Jesus and his merry men, but a lot about sex as well. Ubastoring young people on the topic of sex in Bible College is a must. While I was wondering how the 12 could go so long without intimacy or sex, I was being assured that they had become Eunuch's for the Kingdom of God's sake. Ewwww. I did read where Peter had a mother-in-law, and thus a wife, but then she faded quickly out of the picture. For either one year, or three or ten, depending, these guys must have been serial killers at heart walking around in the desert and saying "behold" all the time. Guys who don't experience intimacy and sex do this I believe...and are very angry inside. I get curious when a pastor dwells on the evils of sex. But I spare you.

The should not's and must nots were endless. We were entertained with the professor prancing around the stage action "queer" as that was the in word then and we all were supposed to laugh and be men about it all. We tried to talk in deep masculine voices and not wear pink so as not to be confused with the enemy. Once, he counted slowly to four to illustrate to the women in the class just how quickly a man could aroused over their not dressing discretely. My buddies and I estimated he was more than two seconds off on the slow side and that what a girl wore had little to do with it. Add to all this weekly in class meme programming, weekends of Bible Study and Sermons, and Ubastard has acquired an endless supply of criticism to throw at me when I left him out of the picture.

Of course, we had to become perfect in all things. We had to think like Jesus thought and Act like God in all things. I once called someone a fool just as Jesus did from time to time, but got reamed out for being in danger of hell fire as Jesus taught would be the fate of those that called people fools. I'm confused!

I could have come up with the "What would Jesus do" thing years ago, but I was too busy feeling inadequate, fearful, guilty and shameful as was expected to think I could do what Jesus would do. Years later I came to wonder just what exactly Jesus was doing with Mary Magdalene who it seems ended up on the right hand of him in DaVinci's Last Supper. I can see where the part in the Gospel of Thomas with Peter chiding Jesus for kissing her too often on the lips, didn't make the NT cut of acceptable books. I believe he also asked Jesus why Jesus loved Mary more than the guys, but Jesus is said to have replied, "Why does she love me more than you do?" Whoa...nice comeback!

I remember the couple that found themselves the first semester and got kicked out by the second. They married and I spent the next three years wondering how their sex lives were going. All the rest of us were in limbo over this and Ubastard was in full swing by now. "ONE, TWO...doh" I tried all I could to get to FOUR, but I was evidently a particularly perverted Dutchman. I found out later that the only ones allowed to break the rules of God, as layed down by the professor, were the kids of the Evangelists, faculty kids and those that grew up in the denomination and were only allowed to go to this particular school being programmed from their youth to do so. Actually they didn't have a Ubastard from all I can tell. There is no freedom like the freedom church kids have when they grew up soaking in something they had no intention of doing.

At any rate, Ubastard still lives and chatters too much in my mind. Some believe this is good as his purpose it to direct me to the straight, narrow, righteous and true. Some say God put Ubastard there as my monkey on my own back guide. But personally Ubastard, the Monkey on My Own Back is a creation of my mind to keep me less than authentic, under the control of the powers that be and kept in line with guilt, shame and fear, which a the trinity of worthless emotions if ever there was one.
Guilt, shame and fear are all imposed upon one in some way as a way to keep one weak, compliant and pliable, to the will of the tribe or church if you will. They all assume there is just one way to be as a human being and any stepping outside of the the organizational box produces these emotions to get you back in. Maybe back in is not where one really needs to go.

There are several ways to defeat Ubastard. One is to breathe through when his fear, shame and quilt shatter provokes anxiety which is projected fear into the future or the fear of future consequences for not getting back into Ubastards camp. Just breathe...slowly, from the tummy and breathe. I don't know why he does not like that, but he doesn't seem to thrive in deep slow breathing. Ubastard is more of an upper chest breather and does it quickly. Maybe opposites defang him. Maybe his way of making my body breathe sends my brain the chemicals he loves to bathe in, which of course is fear, quilt and shame. Slow breathing might send the message to my mind that all is well and that it can keep the fear, quilt and shame juice but feel free to send the love, joy and acceptance juice on down! I think that's how it works. That's one of the few times Ubastard calls me Ubastard, and leaves me alone for a time.

Of course meds can be helpful. Whoever created Ativan must work directly on the right hand of God. On occasions breathing won't cut it and Ubastard has the upper hand. So as not to have a completely worthless and anxiety ridden morning, I take it. I don't like to, but I do and it's my decision. I know when Ubastard is on the offensive, I need some keymasters to help out. It runs right to the favorite cell receptors for Ubastard's mix but blocks them so his keys are worthless and he can't get into my breathing, tummy or thought spinning cells. Ha! Locked out! Take that Ubastard! I'd like to think, in time and with skills of thought that this amazing biosuit I wear to transport my spirit and experience my world in a limited five sensed way, could take over and simply remove Ubastards keys once and for all.

There are hundreds of sites with wonderful information on defeating Ubastard the Monkey on your own back. I think I tolerate him because I am supposed to keep him around for my good, but he doensn't feel good and in both the short and long haul, doesn't serve me much good.

I have watched thousands apply the rules of Bible School to themselves all my life. Some do nicely but admit to a certain duplicity behind the scenes. Some claim no duplicity, but seem sad and unfulfilled. Some seem happy and and bouncy and I consider these the most dangerous of all. I always want to know what's really going on with them. Me thinks you gush too much in Jesus. I am often proved right down the road. Many are stuck in relationships that feel more like brother-sister stuff. Nothing much to look forward to. Nothing much left to say. And no creative intimacy or talk about how one really feels down deep inside. Certainly they are not going to explore anything the church would disapprove of, even if the minister was doing that himself.

Ubastard seems to govern just how much one allows themselves to speak about as well. Let's face it, it is no fun sharing when, in fact, one is supplying the one spoken to the bullets with which to shoot back at you. As a result, there are many quietly desperate human beings who neither speak their heart nor share their thoughts out of anxious fear , guilt for doing so or shame over what they feel they need in life, before it goes away. Human stuff really and Ubastard, the Monkey on One's Own Back, seems bent on keeping the human in line with a thousand soul sucking organizations, churches and denominations , that feed him endless shoulds, musts, should nots and must nots, but never free to find no need for them and seek an authentic self.

This is why "Born Right the First Time" is quite a dose of poison for Ubastard and I am pretty sure he simply can't handle the thought. It would take away his power of control and his litany of reasons one has qualified today as Ubastard. All I know is that it does not help and does not serve me personally in any meaningful way to strive for a perfection the book says we must and yet not know one single person on the planet to point to as having done well in that. Perfect people are scary people and duplistic beyond measure behind the scenes. Perfect people, with the perfect understanding of the perfect on set of perfect truths are perfectly scary and often make a big splat when they fall and join the human race. Ted Haggard, former head of the National Association of Evangelicals comes to mind as an example of struggling with Ubastard all one's life and never just being authentic. Of course being authentic often means you lose your job and high position in the minds of others who know Ubastard only too well themselves. Sometimes a church congregation is content to let a pastor be the sacrificial life of goodness and light, while they can tell Ubastard to go to hell anytime they wish. As long as the pastor type proves it can be done as expected, all is well. Let the pastor prove himself way too often in open conflict with Ubastard, and out you go. Scares the people that they might get caught next.

One hint to me is that all Ubastard seems to say to me is that you really aren't good enough as is. You need to be more like someone else, who I am not sure is who I really ought to be like or even need to go to the trouble of being like. I haven't found another human on the planet , save maybe the Dali Lama, who appeals to me as the kind of person I'd rather be. And I am also not so naive to think that wanting anyone else's dirty laundry is a good swap.

So here we are. A little piece of consciousness contained in our limited five sensed carbon based wetsuit for a short time of experiencing this world as best we can. It's all a wonder and I believe benevolent more than malevolent, though some people let Ubastard take over and loose themselves completely in becoming the sharped fanged nasty Monkey personified. No longer is UBastard the monkey on the back of a person...he is the person. The monkey ate the man.

I'm not advocating exterminating Ubastard completely. But I think there need to be some rules of engagement.

1. Ubastard shall not endlessly repeat one topic over and over. He will understand that I am usually way ahead of him and don't need to keep hearing it over and over.

2. Ubastard will not use fear of eternal punishment when a human life is less than a hair width's experience in the arena of billions of years of galactic, star and planetary evolution.

3. Ubastard will acknowledge that "born right the first time" has merit and never being good enough is a tool of control and results the unhelpful experiences of anxiety and depression in which nothing good gets done.

4. Ubastard is not allowed to only quote ancient texts of Taliban perspectives in his onslaught but is now assigned to read and understand Conversations with God by Neil Donald Walsch, The Power of Now by Eckart Tolle, The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz and The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff. No bananas if he refuses to read and apply these books.

5. Ubastard is not allowed to disturb sleep time.

6. Ubastard is not allowed to quote only from the King James, New International, and the Bible for Modern Dudes in promoting guilt fear and shame.

7. If Mebastard finds Ubastard not to have done and understood the above mentioned assignments, let him be banished to the forest of guilt, shame and fear where he seems to thrive better anyhow and there are millions backs he can easily jump on....just not mine anymore.

Jim Jones Impact On My Life

Evangelism Now-Reaching Without Preaching

It seems evangelism has become too difficult in the minds of many Christians and too religious in the minds of everyone else. I regularly hear dedicated Christians describe our mission as if it requires a professional presentation and a degree to share the love of Jesus with someone. Churches have even gotten into the act by having professional tracts, church events and DVDs produced to "make it easier" for regular Christians but this implies, unintentionally, that regular Christians can't do this without such help and tools. Nothing is further from the truth. All anyone needs, to be a witness for Jesus, is natural, real, living faith and genuine concern for the other person.

Natural Christian Outreach: I had the same misconceptions as everyone else at my first ministry post. So, I started a door-to-door program that had pretty good success because we were taking prayer requests, rather than preaching at people. Later, I found we had better success turning the church parking lot into a flea market one Saturday a year, so we could meet our neighbors under more natural circumstances. Finally, after trying evangelism the traditional way for over 10 years, I've come to the realization that most people have their guard up before our second sentence is finished. Here in the USA, everybody is bombarded from every direction by thousands of Christians. All of these approaches have one thing in common...they are as systematic and impersonal as a cheap sales pitch. I'm now getting evangelistic junk email because some poor misguided souls feel they're serving God by irritating strangers with messages they didn't ask for. So, when we approach a loved one with the message of Jesus, it's easy for them to think they know what we're going to say, and reject it without listening. Natural Christian outreach starts with a person who is seeking a solution to one of life's problems. When people discover Jesus as a solution to their problems, He has value to them and they're far more receptive to the message. After all, Jesus healed and fed people...He didn't just preach at them.

Be A Witness Without Witnessing: Another thing that puts people off and negates our evangelistic efforts is "The Presentation." Let me be straight with you, no one wants a canned God. Canned God has been sold to people their whole lives. They don't like how He tastes, how He smells, His mushy texture. The next time someone comes into your group selling the latest in canned God materials, boil up a can of peas for him and ask him if this is the way he likes his vegetables. Serve him some stale bread on the side. The only way to serve God is fresh. If you don't have a fresh relationship with God daily then don't try to serve Him to others. Jesus didn't say to go witnessing, He said to be a witness. It's the nature of a genuine Christian that reaches others for Jesus, not the use of flashy witnessing materials. Jesus is living water that wells up in you to overflowing...but He's got to be flowing in you first.

Have The Bible In You, Not On You: This point is very much like the last. It seems many religious people carry a Bible when they "go witnessing." You may have noticed from this and others of my articles, I speak and write the message from the Bible without quoting it chapter and verse. You and I know the Bible is a highly valuable book...God's Word to us. We use it to guide our lives and often quote it to each other. To those we're trying to's just a book. You don't need to carry it, quote from it, open it and show people what it just need to live it.

One of my fellow students in Bible College told me about his "street-witnessing" experience the night before. He finally got someone cornered, opened his Bible and started down "The Roman Road" with him. The man interrupted and started disagreeing. It ended with the man running away while the student yelled, "You're going to hell." I'll never forget what my student friend told me next. He said, "At least I planted a seed." What kind of seed? What kind of crop? Will anyone be able to talk about Jesus again with that poor man?

If you have the Bible in you, it will come out in your actions and your words without you even trying. The Holy Spirit will remind you of everything you need to say and do. You'll care more about the person you're talking to than yourself. Leave the Bible on your desk at home, where you can keep putting it in your life, then it will shine through your life in how you treat others.

Share Faith In Jesus, Not The Gospel: Many people share "the gospel" out of a sense of duty, in response to a preacher or book they read or to be active in the latest program their church has to "reach the lost." These people are not acting in the right motivations, and worse, not acting in faith. Faith says Jesus doesn't want anyone to die and that everyone who comes to Him will be drawn by the Holy Spirit. If we're acting in faith, we can leave it up to God to provide valid opportunities to share Him and we can leave the results to Him, as well. If our faith is in Jesus, we don't need to share the gospel, but to live the Good News. We don't need to tell the people they have sinned, that's the Holy Spirit's job. We don't need to judge them, Jesus will do that at the end of time. All we need to do is live the love Jesus has given us and let Him love and help others through us...and believe in Him for the rest. Nothing can be easier than sharing faith, because faith says there is no way to fail.

Glen Williams is an Ordained Minister, Founder and CEO of E-Home Fellowship (EHF), Inc. and Webmaster for He has been active in ministry since 1989. You can comment on his articles at Web-Church Christian Forums.

Creating A Habit

Monday, July 27, 2009

Defeating the Giants

Defeating the Giants

1 Samuel 17: 50 - 51

"So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him. David ran and stood over him. He took hold of the Philistine's sword and drew it from the scabbard. After he killed him, he cut off his head with the sword."

Like David, most of us have faced giants before, whether it be the giant of unforgiveness, insurmountable debt, physical illness, addictions, oppression or depression, we have all faced circumstances in our life that seem beyond our ability to overcome. And the more we focus on the giant, the more terrifying it becomes. Goliath had held the entire Israelite army at bay for 40 days. Day and night he would harass them and they had become paralysed by fear . Paralysis be it mental or physical occurs when we are overcome by fear and intimidation . In our heads we start to say , I can't do it, nothing is ever going to change, its hopeless, I don't care any more, is God even real? The conversation in our minds has turned from hope to hopelessness and the voice of the enemy has become louder and more frequent than the voice of God. What we focus on draws our energy and our emotions and we will always move in the direction of our most dominant thoughts. The more we focus on the GIANTS in our life the more they control us.

David, was too young to go to war and had stayed back home with this father Jethro. On one particular visit to his brothers, Goliath made an appearance and bellowed out his usual intimidation's. Instead of running for cover, David was indignant, "who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?". David believed that Israel had the power of God on its side and no matter how big or how nasty this Giant was, no one was greater than the God of Israel. The victory that day had been won in David's mind long before it was won in the natural. The armies of Israel had been paralysed by fear, but David had refused to be intimidated.

David was a 'make it happen kind of guy', rather than a person who hoped it would happen, or reacts to what happens. The difference lies within. The bible teaches us that the power to overcome lives within you. Ephesians 3: 20 " Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to that power that works in us" In other words, He is saying it is up to you. You must stop procrastinating, waiting for others, or blaming the past. So many times it's much easier to embrace the role of a victim, a loser, or of the one who's not smart enough, not good enough, not educated enough or not financially sound enough. When you accept such limitations for yourself, the giant will always roar and they become true for you.

Do you really want to change? Are you willing and ready to give up perceptions and behaviors that have kept you paralysed instead of soaring with the eagles? Start by replacing wrong thought patterns with rights ones. Isaiah 54: 17 " No weapon formed against you shall prosper." When thoughts of fear, worry and intimidation begin to speak, shout, stop! And declare the power of God to that giant. Its time to become as indignant as David was about Goliath, and get some fight back into your spirit.


God I thank you that there is nothing going on in my life right now that you have not already given me the power to overcome. Help me to renew my mind and break the power of fear and intimidation. I choose to put my trust in your word, not what the circumstances say. Thank you that today there is victory over every giant in my life in Jesus name. Amen!

Yours faithfully
Carolyn Evans-Hale
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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Can Women Speak inside of Church - Christians

Does God Make Mistakes
Using Words In The Bible Effecti

Is Transcendental Meditation a Religion

There is a rumor on the internet that the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique is a religion. Nothing could be further from the truth. The TM program has been funded by 24 million dollars in federally funded grants over the past 20 years. These projects have included TM's research and/or implementation in health facilities, schools, universities, research facilities, probation programs and prison settings around the USA. This would not be possible if the TM program was considered by the government to be religious in any way.

In addition the Transcendental Meditation technique does not conflict with religious beliefs because it has nothing to do with belief. It does not require that one believe that it will work in order for one to be successful in the practice. There are thousands of priests, nuns, rabbis and Buddhist monks who practice the TM technique and find that it enhances their respective religious beliefs.

At the same time, it is true, that some 30 years ago, there was a federal court case in the state of New Jersey which deemed the Federal Department of Education's funding of a curriculum in "The Science of Creative Intelligence" to be an unconstitutional entanglement of the government with religion. This was due to the claim that the concept of "Creative Intelligence", or unified field of consciousness, was somehow a religious concept. (Malnak v. Yogi, 592 F2d 197, 1979). However, the TM technique itself was never declared by the court to be religious in nature. To emphasize this point Judge Adams stated that his ruling prohibited government funding for the Science of Creative Intelligence and "not a course in TM alone". In particular Judge Adams felt that TM was non religious because the TM instruction ceremony was "performed only once in the case of each student; it was entirely in Sanskrit with neither the student nor, apparently, the teacher who chanted it, knowing what the foreign words meant." Malnak v. Yogi, 592 F.2d 197, 203 (3rd Cir., 1979)

Furthermore many constitutional scholars believe that this isolated ruling, which judged even the concept of Creative Intelligence to be religious, was in error. For example, Laurence H. Tribe, professor at Harvard Law School and legal advisor to President elect Barack Obama, strenuously objected to the court's conclusion. It is for this reason that no court, anywhere in the world, has ever come to the same or similar conclusion. Furthermore, since the New Jersey court case of 1979, hundreds of research studies on the TM technique have validated its mechanical, repeatable, secular nature and created widespread public acceptance of its benefits. Transcendental Meditation is a simple, natural, effortless technique that is practiced for 20 minutes twice a day sitting comfortably at home. Over 500 scientific studies have validated the benefits of the practice which has been taught around the world to millions of people during the past 50 years.

Here's what Dr. Steele Belok, Clinical Instructor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, has to say about TM: "In my medical practice, I have found that people of all religions enjoy the Transcendental Meditation technique. Indeed, patients tell me that TM practice deepens their spiritual understanding because it refreshes their mind and awakens subtler values of awareness."

You can find out more about Transcendental Meditation by visiting or

Don't Tithe If You Can't Afford to - Poor Christians Beware of Motivated Church Leaders

Effects Of False Prophets
Using Words In The Bible Effecti

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Real Meaning of Easter and Springtime

In nature and inside ourselves are energy patterns and dynamics that activate. Humanity evolved over a million years or more responding to the seasons of the year. Thus we have built into our genes, our psyches, a natural energy rhythm that we would do well to acknowledge and not avoid.

- finding Easter Eggs in an Easter egg hunt

- going to Easter Sunday church service when you don't go other times of the year

- getting in a car accident you never intended to happen, or did you?

- starting a love affair, whether married or not

- buying new clothes for yourself to go into summer with

- marrying the wrong person, and so later you have to get a divorce

- wanting to take a week's vacation instead of work at your job

- reading the latest mystery novels just out this year at this time

- going into nature with your friends and doing at least a walk there

- feeling depressed because you have nobody to love


What does the above list have in common?

- Why must you watch out for its effects?

- Why do certain celebrations occur traditionally at this transition from winter into springtime that is the 21st of March and the month of April?

In Jungian terms the archetype of Death-Rebirth becomes most active at springtime.

Death-Rebirth? What is that?

In nature and inside ourselves are energy patterns and dynamics that activate. Humanity evolved over a million years or more responding to the seasons of the year. Thus we have built into our genes, our psyches, a natural energy rhythm that we would do well to acknowledge and not avoid.

For what is not faced consciously in our awareness gets acted out anyway unconsciously.

Why do Norwegians every springtime take a week or more vacation at their summer cottages by the sea or in the mountains?

It's a wonderful thing to do. After the long Northern winter of more darkness than light, of more cold than warmth, the Norwegians are used to the seasonal shifts.

The spring equinox is the transition point when the hours of night equal the hours of day. We can imagine the long winter nights of the Northern countries, such as Norway. When spring finally arrives a sense of happiness comes with it, or so we think.

What about the dark side, the people who commit suicide when the spring comes, the people who have accidents?

One strange custom that has developed in Norway is that Norwegians when they go in the spring to their cottages also take along this year's published thrillers and mysteries. This type of genre is all about being killed and finding the killer. Why should a strong people who have just survived the winter then want to read fiction about death?

Well, don't think everything is just fine in the springtime. Norway has other forms of death for you, like quicksand in the forest because the ground is no longer frozen. Or how about you are hiking up the big mountain in Norway and suddenly the ground under you on the path just collapses into running water and mud and you are swept off the mountain to your death?

Yes, things like this happen every year in Norway. Several deaths occur to hikers in the Norway mountains when the springtime is arriving. Death is not over. Springtime is also the time they find the thawed-out bodies of those Norwegians who have chosen to commit suicide in the past winter by going into the forest and sitting under a favorite tree and freezing to death.

Deaths like this are no stranger to the Norway clime.

What is going on?

Since Death-Rebirth is the archetype of springtime this means that one must experience death first and then rebirth, then new life. The religion knows this with its Black Friday and then its Easter Sunrise service.

You don't have to go to an actual church service to feel the effects of Death-Rebirth. But the archetype is there.

Part of the monastic service is to have a midnight service and the lighting of the new pascal candle which has nails in it representing the crucifixion.

Thus built into our psychology is the recognition that we have to acknowledge our suffering and hurt and go through a letting go process to release ourselves into new birth.

The beauty of doing a sunrise experience is that you experience in nature Death-Rebirth, and this experience becomes a conscious part of you for as long as you live.

I went with some friends years ago and drove to the top of the local mountain, Mt. Diablo, in Northern California. There in the darkness we waiting all night looking out over the near and distant cities that kept their street lights on, the energy of humanity. We talked. We meditated. We knew the significance for us in our own lives of the Death-Rebirth experiences we were going through. Finally from the stone-walled walkway we saw the dawn breaking in the far distance. We had stayed up all night in our vigil and sharing together.

Here was our reward: the new dawn to a special day of rebirth. It is never to be forgotten.

Of course, the important level is to also take such things inside.

As a dreamwork psychologist, I wanted to figure our why when I lived and taught in Norway that the Norwegians read the new mystery novels at springtime. They did not know consciously themselves. It was a fad that most of them did.

Could it be that the Norwegians had waited out the long winter cold and at last when they did not have to be so strong any longer they could indulge in reading about surviving death?

What is the essence of these death-defying thrillers if not to catch the murderer before he or she catches you.

We all know we are under sentence of death but with indefinite reprieve, as Victor Hugo, the French writer, put it, but we don't know when our death will come. Will it be this year or the next, or after that? But it will come.

It's great in reading a thriller to realize that though there are deaths in the story, none of those victims are you. You are alive one more year, or so you hope.

Thus for me in the Norway sun and rains, and the new leaves on the branches of the trees, I felt a certain sadness. I was so glad to be alive still another year, and always planned to make good use of my "luck." But I also knew that one of these years the spring would come and I would not be there to marvel in its new life. The very wooden Norway house I lived in could have been built by those no longer alive. I lived in a dead man's house. And if not the house being there after me, at least the other houses of our community in the country of Norway, beloved land of all the seasons, would surely outlive me.

Whether by the sea in spring in California, or high atop the mountain elsewhere, it is a time to go adventuring and meditate on all your life is now.

What must you lose and give up? What must you sacrifice so you don't have to sacrifice life itself, even gruesomely as recounted here?

Better to realize the death part of your life now, the letting go of what can never more be. This is the base, the preparation to look forward to, and to experience through choice the new life you will dedicate yourself to with passion and awareness, as you live further your existence purposefully on this earth.

View Drs Kaplan-Williams' extraordinary blog at:

Do You Really Know Why Your A Christian

Nothing Will Be Impossible
Are Your Prayers Being Answered

Vedic Deities and Their Connection With Semitic Deities

One of the most interesting and impressive of Vedic deities is VaruGa, often invoked with a more shadowy double called Mitra. No myths or exploits are related of him but he is the omnipotent and omniscient upholder of moral and physical law. He established earth and sky: he set the sun in heaven and ordained the movements of the moon and stars: the wind is his breath and by his law the heavens and earth are kept apart. He perceives all that exists in heaven and earth or beyond, nor could a man escape him though he fled beyond the sky. The winkings of men's eyes are all numbered by him: he knows all that man does or thinks.

Sin is the infringement of his ordinances and he binds sinners in fetters. Hence they pray to him for release from sin and he is gracious to the penitent. Whereas the other deities are mainly asked to bestow material boons, the hymns addressed to VaruGa contain petitions for forgiveness. He dwells in heaven in a golden mansion. His throne is great and lofty with a thousand columns and his abode has a thousand doors. From it he looks down on the doings of men and the all-seeing sun comes to his courts to report.

There is much in these descriptions which is unlike the attributes ascribed to any other member of the Vedic pantheon. No proof of foreign influence is forthcoming, but the opinion of some scholars that the figure of VaruGa somehow reflects Semitic ideas is plausible. It has been suggested that he was originally a lunar deity, which explains his association with Mitra (the Persian Mithra) who was a sun god, and that the group of deities called dityas and including Mitra and VaruGa were the sun, moon and the five planets known to the ancients.

Yet VaruGa is not the centre of a monotheistic religion any more than Indra, and in later times he becomes a water god of no marked importance. The Aryans and Semites, while both dissatisfied with polytheism and seeking the one among the many, moved along different paths and did not reach exactly the same goal.

To learn more about Hinduism and Hindu beliefs, practices, rituals and theology; visit my new site. There you will find many free articles

Hinduism Beliefs

Introduction to Hinduism

Friday, July 24, 2009

Can Women Speak inside of Church - Christians

Questions To Ask Your Pastor
Are Your Prayers Being Answered

Why Should We Give Thanks in Times Like These?

According to, the first Thanksgiving took place in Massachusetts during the Pilgrim Settlers second winter in America in December 1621. The first winter had killed 44 of the original 102 colonists. And because an unexpected trading vessel arrived, and swapped beaver pelts with them for corn, they were able to survive. Since next summers crops brought hope, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast on December 13, 1621, which is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies. Although this feast is considered to be the very first Thanksgiving celebration, it was actually in keeping with a long tradition of celebrating the harvest and giving thanks for a successful bounty of crops. The Pilgrims gave thanks to God for helping them find acres of land that had no hostile Indians and for newfound religious freedom. They also celebrated with the friendly Indians who brought wild turkeys and venison with them. As well as prayers, sermons and songs of praise. They spent three days feasting and praying. Since that time, Thanksgiving is a celebration of thanks of gratitude to God for His grace and mercy upon us. And President Lincoln officially set aside the last Thursday of November in 1863, "as a day of thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father." In 1941, Congress ruled that after 1941, the fourth Thursday of November be observed as Thanksgiving Day and be a legal holiday.

But why should we give thanks in times like these today? It is true that in today's society, some of us may think we don't have much to be thankful for. From loss of jobs, homes, cars and possessions, what's left? From the fall of Wall Street, the never ending war and the bad economy, why should we still be thankful to God? 1 Thessalonians says, "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." This means, no matter what we may go through, good or bad, God will always make a way for us. Even at our darkest time or hour, God will always turn a negative into a positive, if we only believe and trust in Him. Even in the book of Exodus, the Israelites sang a song of thanksgiving as they were delivered from Pharoah's army after they crossed the Red Sea. And the book of Psalms is full of songs of thanksgiving for God's grace to the Israelite people as well as for His individual graces to each of us.

In this life there will always be things to complain about. But God gave us a choice. Do we choose to be positive or negative? Is the glass half empty or full? No matter how grim our situations may be, there will always be something to be thankful for. Did we live to see another day? Do we have our health and strength? Are our families ok? Do we have clothes, food and shelter? If we only believe and trust in God, He will give us our needs and not necessarily our wants. For Romans 8:28-30 says, "For those who know Christ, God also works everything together for good, even events we would not necessarily consider good." May God grant that He may find us grateful everyday for all gifts- spiritual and material.

Wanda is a wife, mother, public speaker and contributing author of She has been writing about God and spirituality for over 20 years and has researched the bible and its history. Wanda also specializes in Christian poetry and children books and believes and teaches that regardless of a person's background or their mistakes of the past, God has a place for them.

She is the publisher and bestselling author of "Kids Ask The Darndest Things About God And The Beginning- Answers From The First Five Books Of The Bible" available at

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New Thinking About Noah's Ark and Family

Does God Make Mistakes
Are Your Prayers Being Answered

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Is 2012 Really the End of the World?

Maybe just the end of the world as we know it. No, the world is not going to implode or explode or be completely destroyed in any form for that matter. 2012 is a new beginning, not an end.

There has been so much said about all this, from the bible, from Nostradamus, from Edgar Cayce, from the Mayans. In 2012 we will truly be able to experience heaven on earth. For some, this has already started. We are already feeling these changes. There are many people on this earth who have Ascended from the 3D reality to the 5th Dimension reality already. The Earth herself has ascended from 3D to 5D. In 5D time and space are different, they do not exist in the same way as they do in 3D. This is why so many people are having experiences outside what the "norm" has been the past few thousand years.

Some people think the financial meltdowns etc. are really bad news. It is just a change, different things going on, it doesn't have to be bad news. Everything is perception. A lot of people are being forced to change the way they have been thinking, or the way they have been doing things. So much of the world's issues right now are related to the old 3D ways crumbling. It is a new beginning, not an ending.

Jesus (or whatever Ascended Master you relate to based on your religion or lack thereof), IS coming. It is the Christ Consciousness in us all. Jesus "the man" is not going to just show up one day to save us. Its not quite like that. The consciousness of Jesus will show up for us all as soon as we realize that we have access to it. It is your own greatness, your own Christ Consciousness that will save you. Your realization that you are God. We ourselves are the second coming.

What makes things so hard is the separation from the divine light and love of all that is. For many years people have turned to religion, or leaders that tell us that things are outside of ourselves. Those in perceived power don't want us to know that the power of EVERYTHING is within us. We are all one.

The talk of hellfire and hell coming to earth for those that do not accept Jesus into their lives is true in some ways, but not in the literal sense that some organized religions would have you believe. It has to do with those that accept they are the creators themselves. Those that can see and feel their own greatness will truly be creating a heaven on earth for themselves and those around them.

Those that rely on (or "worship"), things from the 3D reality -- money and ego and external power -- truly will be in a hell on earth. Earth and her energy is changing, has already changed. We, as a species, are learning that we can create whatever we want here. It has very little to do with ego and power. There are many on the earth right now who are here to help with this transition. Many lightworkers who are ascending and "getting it" are here to help you. Many are actually devoting their lives to helping others remember where they came from and what divine beings they are. The first wave of Ascension is over. There are many Masters on this plane of our planet right now. Willing to help you to realize you don't have to stay stuck in 3D any more. Many people think Jesus is a saviour, as in separate from you, that will come and rescue you from your life, your existence, yourself, your perceived sins. God is not going to "make people go to hell". What kind of loving God would actually make people go to hell? If all one does is worship money, control or power they WILL likely end up in their own hell. This will be their own doing (or undoing) though. It will not be something that is done TO them.

Look at how things are right now. The world financial crisis is HUGE. Anyone who is very centred in, or worships, money or power at this point in time is RIGHT NOW in their own personal HELL. God certainly isn't putting them there. It is their perception of their time on earth that is putting them there.

Those that are suffering right now just need to look inside themselves, at the Christ Consciousness, at the God in THEM. Hanging onto the old 3D reality and the worship of external things like money or power or ego is what is causing them suffering. The always wanting more is causing suffering. There is enough on this earth for everyone. Some say they don't believe that...I've had people tell me to my face that I'm full of you know what just for suggesting such a thing.

The reality of it least MY reality of it is that there is enough for all. If we take the greed, the control, the lusting for external power away, there is enough.

All through the bible it states that God is in all of us. Therefore, Love is in all of us.

Religions made the devil up to scare the heck out of people. There were, and still are, those that do not want you to know your own greatness. They don't want you to know what they know. If everyone knew, there would be balance. No one would be better than, or richer than. Everyone would just "Be".

Religions say the devil "fell from grace" because he wanted to be God-like. What better way to make people shun their own greatness, their own connection with God. Scare the crap out of them so that when they start to realize their own greatness, and that they are not just a "part of Source (God)", but that they are indeed Source (God) themselves, the creators of their own lives and spiritual journeys, they get afraid and experience more separation. As soon as people realize their greatness, no one will be able to control them. That is very scary for those that think they have the power over the masses.

We are all God-like. We are all creators, God is Love, we are all a part of God. This scares a lot of people and there are certain governments and religions that don't want people to know this, so they make up stuff like the devil or demons to scare people. They don't want the general population to realize their power, they would lose their own place in society; in the 3D reality they have created for themselves. Imagine if everyone knew just how much like God we are, how much a part of God we one could control us anymore. No one would have the power to "make" us fearful. God is Love.....the "devil" is fear.

So, is 2012 the end of the world? I certainly hope it is the end of the world as we have known it up to this point.

Do not fear the changes, embrace them. Connect with Source in your own way. Find and connect with your own internal Christ Consciousness, your own greatness.

When things are done with Love and not fear, nothing but God and Love can shine through.

There are many things going on. Being a psychic lightworker myself (for lack of a better term), I know that what I see and do, anyone can see and do. The biggest challenge is to KNOW that you can do it. It is just a matter of being open to it and having the realization that we are all Source.

Remember where you came from, remember your divinity. Connect with your own Christ Consciousness. Experience the bliss every day, feel the love every day. Live with Love not Fear of what is going on on our earth. Its all good...

I am a psychic living in British Columbia, Canada. I have been psychic since birth and have been doing psychic readings for others for the past 25 years. With these psychic readings I help people to enhance their own personal growth and assist them to realize their life path. I am also a medium and often when I do readings I have contact from the other side, whether from a loved one who has passed over or Spirit teachers and guides. Visit Psychic Medium for more information on psychic readings.

Examples of Prayer and Their Effects on Your Life

Using Words In The Bible Effecti
Are Your Prayers Being Answered

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hope in All Religions

I was reading a book on advertising when the author mentioned, "All Advertising Is about Hope."

This got me thinking about other people's dreams and aspirations, most of this is wrapped around them hoping to accomplish something or do something. I never gave it much thought but hope is one of the most important things in our lives. Some people go around hoping that they will keep their job, when the economy is in bad shape. Others go around hoping for forgiveness for their sins or other bad deeds they have done in the past.

What is it you're hoping for? There's got to be something. Are you hoping to become a multimillionaire or even the world's first trillionaire. Are your dreams big or small? Are you the kind of person who is happy living a simple life with very little possessions like a Buddhist monk or are you one who is seeking the lifestyle of the King.

Hope supplies us with the will to continue through hopeless obstacles during our lifetime.

Most people seeking hope are looking for a way out of something or a way toward a better life. These people often fall easy prey to large religious organizations, as they take them under their wing and slowly start to brainwash them. They seek the weak minded, helpless, poor and trusting people and build their organizations using them. I once believed in Christianity, but it no longer offers me true hope, the more I study Christianity and other organized religions, I noticed certain similarities based on inspiration.

I hope I live the good life, so I can go to heaven, the promised land, our ultimate enlightenment.

I hope I am living the true will according to God, Buddha, Krishna or other supreme beings.

I hope that the Bible is wrong about the 144,000 people from the 12 tribes.

I hope I'm living a life that is pleasing to the Lord.

If you're part of an organized religion, ask your religious leaders, any questions that you have about your religion. If they can't answer these questions, try to find them on your own. Books, videos, and the Internet are great sources for information. If you're living your life for the sole purpose of going to heaven one day, you could be disappointed, when that day arrives.

Ask a couple of questions and I hope you will get honest answers to them.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, Read This Book

Greg is currently creating articles on religion filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Can Women Speak inside of Church - Christians

Religious Faith Or Religious Fac
Christianity Saved My Life

Daniel And End-Time Math

What is the specific order of events for the end of all things? The disciples wanted to know this, and we do too. Let's do the math and see if we can get some insights into this problem. Turn to Daniel 9.

First we learn that a period of seventy "sevens" , divided into three separate time categories, will complete all Jewish history. The Hebrew word translated "weeks" simply means a period of seven units of time. The year is the only unit that makes sense of the prophecy. So seventy periods of seven years each, or 490 years, is the full amount of time with which we have to work. We understand that these 490 years are not consecutive, but contain a major interruption of history, in which we live even now.

Next we discover what exactly must happen during those 490 years.

1. Sin will be dealt a death blow via Messiah's death and His return to create a perfect Satan-bound world. Sin will be judged, then eradicated.

2. Every prophecy related to Judaism, given by the prophets, will be fulfilled.

3. The "Most Holy" will be anointed. Does this refer to the baptismal scene of Jesus, where the Spirit descended on Jesus? Or is this Psalm 45:7, where God anoints Jesus as ruler over all the earth? No matter. Both events occur in the 490 years.

4. Everlasting righteousness will be brought in, that is, the Millennial-Eternal reign of Christ begins.

That's a tall order for only 490 years. Some of it has already happened.

Next, having stated what will happen, he spells out when the time period will begin. The announcement that Jews are going back to Jerusalem to dwell in their own land is seen as the signal for Jewish history to continue and begin its final round. This announcement is given twice in Scripture: II Chronicles 36:22-23 and on the next page of your Bible, Ezra 1:1-4. We are told there was historically another announcement given and that there are different ways of counting, but the vast majority of those who have studied this prophecy agree that from this moment in time, whenever it precisely occurred, until the Messiah, was 483 years.

Why 483 and not 490? The prophecy states that there will be two divisions of time between the announcement and the Messiah's death (Daniel uses the term "cut off"). First, a forty-nine year period of rebuilding, followed by a 434 year period leading up to the Christ's work. 49 + 434 = 483.

In my thinking these first two verses, and these first two periods of time, are very straightforward and seem to be consecutive. Christians have rejoiced in this passage for centuries as it was so succinct and clear that the Holy Spirit was telling us exactly when Messiah would come the first time! Yet, one reflects, the world knew Him not, though this simple math, added to the prophecy about Bethlehem, and many more were there for the reading.

So it shall be in the last days. Though Bibles and books and booklets will abound telling people exactly when and where to look for antichrist and Christ, the world and the professing church will ignore them, in pursuit of feel-good religion and the worries of this life.

Though verses 24-25 are easily grasped, 26 and 27 cannot be tackled so quickly. Perhaps they, along with all passages on this topic have been deliberately "muddied" , to insure they are hidden until the right time. I confess I still have questions here and elsewhere in this study. I share with you the things of which I am certain. Others will certainly pick up the rest when it is time.

After the second time period of 434 years, Messiah is killed. "But not for Himself!" Don't you love the way the Spirit injects this sad but wonderful truth in the midst of a preview of history? Now is this immediately after? Some time after? And the destruction of Jerusalem foretold in verse 26, is it the one that indeed occurred after Jesus, or the one we have already seen coming at the end?

Here I can only give my opinion. I believe that consistency to the text and all the other similar texts in Daniel demands that we place this portion of the prophecy in the end time. For in verse 27 that follows there is no question that the war mentioned must be at the end.

Nevertheless, I am not in denial that Rome did destroy Jerusalem shortly after Jesus was crucified, that temple worship stopped, that the city was surrounded, that Jews fled... much of this will be repeated in the last days, and lead to Christ's return.

So the math isn't that bad after all. The "announcement" + 483 years = Jesus' first coming + the present "interruption" + seven more years = Jesus' second coming. Now I did not discuss that extra seven years, but that will have to be saved for another article. is a website I put together a few months back to get the word out to believers that they need to pray for North Korea. Just about every day I'm writing a blog featuring some news, a book, or a story of North Korea. There's a live news feed on the site, lists of resources, picture essays, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together!

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Who are you? Would love to fellowship with believers who respond on my site.

Goal Setting For Success

The Existence of God without Evidence

Here's a pretty good interview about someone explaining the existence of God.


Peaceful Warrior God

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a christian video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world.

Magical Numbers
Make A Live Out Of Your Life

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Who Should Sit in Communion Chairs in a Baptist Church?

The Baptist church practices the communion as one of its two acts of faith-obedience. Much of the time, this is called an ordinance rather than a sacrament. In other words, you cannot receive salvation or grace through communion. Instead, these are purely symbolic acts that were commanded of Christ's followers by Christ Himself. This is actually the second ordinance in the Baptist church and it is patterned after the Last Supper, which was recorded in the Gospels wherein Jesus says to "do this in remembrance of me." With this in mind, participants in communion break and eat bread and drink a small shot of wine. These items are symbolic of the body and the blood of Jesus, respectively.

Traditionally, Baptists serve communion to participants wherever they are seated. However, it is up to each individual church how communion is arranged, because the arrangement itself has no theological significance. More important than seating or arrangement is the communion itself. For instance, the bread used is unleavened, as it is believed that this is the type of bread the would have been served at the Last Supper. As such, bread cubes, wafers or small crackers are passed around on plates to those who wish to participate in communion. Of course, it is also acceptable to do the "breaking of bread" from loaves, as well.

The cup is filled with unfermented grape juice. However, the Gospel passages only mention the "fruit of the vine." It is never called wine therein. Usually small individual cups are used to represent the "cup." A "common cup" that the entire congregation drinks from can be used, but it is usually reserved for small gatherings for practical reasons.

Most of the time, both the bread and the wine are served by the pastor to the deacons. The deacons then serve the congregation, followed by the pastor. In bigger churches, the pastors may often serve one another, allowing the deacons to focus on serving the congregation. Once the entire congregation has been served, everyone takes the elements at the same time. This symbolizes unity.

Communion can be held as frequently as the church desires. However, most of the time communion takes place during a regular worship service. It is important to note that communion is only taken by those who have undergone a believer's baptism, though this does vary from congregation to congregation as well. As such, there are three types of communion:1. Open communion allows anyone who professes to be a Christian to take communion.2. Close communion occurs whenever only members of a Baptist church can take communion.3. Closed communion takes place when only members of that local congregation can participate.

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12 Apostles Of Jesus Christ

Honest Opinion on the Existence God

Always Question Your Religion
Eye Of The Needle Christian Stor

Why Worry About The Rapture?

Why study this rapture issue?
That we not wind up like the Thessalonians, totally vulnerable
to false teachers who will tell us of "secret" comings in remote places (see Matthew 24:26-
27). And for several other reasons:

1. The integrity of Scripture is at stake. Is the Bible true? Can we trust its statements,
even when they speak against our pet doctrines, cultural ways, and even our "common
sense" and human logic?

2. The method of Biblical interpretation is important. Shall we look at Scripture literally
whenever possible or only when it suits our theories? Shall we adamantly affirm with
Agur in Proverbs 30:5, "Every word of God is pure", or shall we cloud the meanings of
Scripture with "revelations" that have come later? Certainly when Jesus is telling a parable
we look for "interpretation" but if no obvious figure is intended we must trust God's Word
as it is.

3. Though such matters as the timing of the rapture may not be on a par with the teachings
regarding salvation and the Deity of Christ, do we have a right to classify any Scriptural
theme as "unimportant" when so often we fill our minds with Hollywood fantasies, or the
triviality of game-playing known as "sports", or the ramblings of the stock market? Are
those who glibly say, "Well, Jesus is coming, that's all that really matters," occupied in the
collecting of the world's knowledge and calling that important? Why shouldn't God's people
be excited about even the smallest of the Bible's issues?

The teacher in particular is warned in Matthew 5:19, "Whoever therefore breaks one
of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom
of heaven..." This passage refers to the eternal law of God that His people keep by their new
life in the Spirit, but shows us how God values everything He says to a prophet or an apostle.

Things we want to call "little" are not necessarily so.

Perhaps by the time you have examined the evidence you will see that this issue is
not so trivial anyway. Returning to the Thessalonian context, the issue was big enough to
warrant two letters of Paul to correct! A misplaced return of Jesus brought confusion and
desperation to that assembly. In our day, imagine the plight of those who fed on the Hollywood-
style dramas made by pre-tribulation rapturists, when they see antichrist arise before
them, and Jesus has not yet returned. At best these people will be angry with those who sold
them a bill of goods with no clear Scriptural evidence. These folks were expecting years of
bliss in Heaven while hellish things happened to "tribulation saints" on earth. They will bitterly
reflect that some very godly-sounding men led them astray.

That's why we need to study the rapture. is a website I put together a few months back to get the word out to believers that they need to pray for North Korea. Just about every day I'm writing a blog featuring some news, a book, or a story of North Korea. There's a live news feed on the site, lists of resources, picture essays, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together!

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Who are you? Would love to fellowship with believers who respond on my site.

Learning Meditation Or Watching

Monday, July 20, 2009

Jesus and Paul and The Problems

Pokemon And Religion
Laws Of Attraction Ideas

A Wild Night at a Columbus Drive-In

Thirty-some years ago there were Christian drive-ins in Columbus, Ohio. You could take the family to see a Christian movie, but in the drive-in mode, in-car speaker and all. My wife and I decided to check it out one night. The Billy Graham film Shadow of the Boomerang was showing.

In every Billy Graham movie, Billy himself shows up in a filmed crusade. Audiences actually get to hear a Gospel message from the great evangelist. And yes, I still consider him to be a great one, especially because of his early message and early methods. We weep at the later compromises with Rome etc, but we do not take away from how the Gospel has been spread.

At any rate, in those earlier days of my walk, I was not acquainted with all the subtleties of Graham associations. All I knew was that he turned me on to God when I heard him. I memorized his sermons, read his books, listened weekly to his radio program. His star was a guide to a young man with very few stars to follow.

This night was to be a little different though. I had been a seeker for many years by now. I had actually been ordained to the ministry of my denomination and had taken mission trips with them. I was considered a potential leader in that group. But inside I still struggled when it came to that personal knowledge on the experience level. So many of my friends talked glowingly of bona fide conversion moments, and I desired one of my own.

I wasn't looking for one that night. Just wanted something interesting to do with my wife, and a night out watching a Graham film in this unique setting seemed to fill the bill.

The story line was excellent. The acting impressed me. But when Billy started preaching repentance that night, something touched me deep inside. It seems as though I finally got it. I had believed the theology for some time, but it began to take flesh and blood form that night. My own flesh and blood.

I was surprised at the suddenness and depth of the feelings that arose. I truly was sorry for my sin. I really did know that I had offended God, and really regretted it. I began to cry and cry and cry some more. My wife didn't know exactly what to think, but tried to support me the best way she could.

After a long session of tears, another emotion began to surface: pure joy. I was so happy I couldn't stand it! Something inside kept saying, "This is it!" That which I had sought for so long was suddenly here. With each burst of laughter came another one. I seemed totally out of control.

Somewhere in the midst of all this strangeness, God gave me the presence of mind to call a preacher friend of mine, and ask him to meet me at the Scioto River. I wanted a "same hour of the night" experience. And I wasn't being baptized because someone demanded it.I wasn't being baptized to score points with a church or even with God. I greatly desired baptism to express outwardly what was happening inwardly. No theology attached, though I can rattle it off now. Just, "Get me to the water!"

Somehow I managed to drive to the river without an accident. I have never been drunk before, but I imagine this is what it is like. Several friends met me, rejoiced with me, and the preacher put me under the water.

That was my third "baptism". Most people would say it was my first. But who's counting? What matters is the joy unspeakable and full of glory available to His children! is a website I put together a few months back to get the word out to believers that they need to pray for North Korea. I have created over 200 blogs and the site features a live news feed, lists of resources, picture essays, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together! Contact me any time at

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. I love to write Scriptural works. Who are you? Would love to fellowship with believers who respond.

Religious Freedom

Refugee, Definition Please

Seems to be a semantics game going on in China, while thousands of their south-eastern neighbors continue to perish from hunger. A new famine is on the way, but China continues to hide. Hiding behind what they think is international law, but most certainly is not, China stalls the UN, decent people worldwide, and hungry Koreans day after day. And hiding behind their supposed friendship with Kim Jong Il, they have become the sworn enemies of human rights.

Problem is with the word refugee. Simply put, the word means "An exile who flees for safety". But there are other ways to say it. How about, A person afraid of his government? Or, A person who has been placed in the sub-basement of humanity by the leader of his country and denied food and basic human dignity, and therefore tries to escape? A person not allowed to worship on the pain of death, and who yearns to breathe free, as the "wretched refuse" that used to come to our own shores so freely? A person not permitted to hold a second opinion about anything political and who just wants to have an honest conversation, and so runs across the border? What do you think, good definitions for refugee?

And by those very valid - I think - definitions, wouldn't you agree that the North Koreans are refugees? China doesn't think so. They're just hungry, says China. They're "economic migrants," or at best "environmental refugees" and as such are entitled, say the Chinese, to no special privileges. Nice. We won't talk about why they are hungry, because they are in the wrong political class, or said something to offend someone, and are therefore being starved to death. "They're just looking for food." Not fleeing. So they are routinely gathered up by the ever-diligent, and often rewarded, Chinese military and quickly sent back to Kim Jong Il, where they face torture and death.

And why torture and death? It is widely known that the NK government fears associations with the West, including and especially, Christians. Christianity represents America, George Bush, and the failed ways of democracy. Can't have our folks mixing with such corrupt ideas. And throughout northeastern China, where Koreans have shown up by the hundreds of thousands, there are such folks. Americans. South Koreans. Christians. Pure poison.

When the refugee -for he is a refugee- is forcibly returned, there is a possibility that if he was "merely hungry", he will not be punished so long and so ferociously for having gone to feed his belly. But it is almost certain that if he contacted a Christian or a South Korean, he's in for trouble.

Hungry Christians knew that when they left. All North Koreans know that. Why then are they not considered refugees when they try to escape? Doesn't the Geneva standard clearly state that a refugee is a person who "owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of... religion...or political opinion... is outside the country of their nationality, and is unable to or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail him/herself of the protection of that country"?

The fact that they are hungry on top of all that should not diminish the notion that they are fleeing from a government that hurts religious people and people whose ideas are different than Kim's.

When will the UN and the international community step in and make the difference that they are supposed to be making in the world's governing? Who will stand up to China and say they must obey international law? And the question that everyone seems to be asking still, except the Chinese government, how in the world could the unprecedented privilege of hosting the Olympics - humanity's masterpiece- have been awarded to a nation that defies the very foundations of humanity by its cruelty to so many millions of people?

I know that ultimately prayer is the key to it all. Jesus must intervene. But is not the Spirit that strives in all of His people to speak truth, a little portion of that intervention?

Look for Bob Faulkner's home page on - There you will find a combination of love for the Scriptures and a desire for North Korean believers to have their needs met. There are nearly 300 blogs, over 200 Bible teaching MP3's, lists of resources, NK picture albums, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together! Contact me any time at

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Would love to fellowship with believers who respond.

Can You Change Your Life

Watch This to see if Jesus was Born From A Virgin - Video

Game Of Life And How To Play
Persistence Or Failure In Goals

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Men of God, Arise!

Okay men, where are you?

Over the years I've had some pretty direct words to address to women who usurp men's leadership roles in the church. So did the apostle Paul. I still am grieved when I must sit in a meeting and listen to the Word of God preached by the opposite gender.

This is a man who otherwise lives in a woman's world, as an educator. I have known nothing but women supervisors since I began work for a major school system in a major city. So when I come to church I expect things to be a little more in line with God's patterns.

It's especially difficult to see this disorder in a "Bible believing" church. One expects liberal groups to play fast and easy with the Scriptures. Justifying. Cutting. Adding. Subtracting. Re-organizing. But in a group pledged to honor the utterances of the Spirit of God... Some time ago I heard a woman who eloquently defended our need to be strong in the Word, never twisting it, and so on. I thought, how ironic.

Well, I've fussed with women enough, I guess. What more can be said? Paul summarized his own feelings, and I'll let him summarize mine: "If someone wants to be ignorant, just let him - or her - be ignorant."

But! Where are the men? I should have fussed more with them! At my school I was intrigued at the 8th grade election procedures. Not one candidate vying for office in that class of 100 or so was a male. Yes, somewhat typical of that time of life, but never have I seen such total male abandonment of leadership as this, even for 8th graders.

These scared 8th grade boys are not alone. It's not easy to lead. Leadership demands rejection and the possibility of exposure. It means extra work and sometimes no extra glory for it all. I speak of course as a man, not as a man of God should speak. Nevertheless the parallels are obvious.

Where are the men nationally? Why did we almost have a woman elected President and Vice President? They could have done the job, sure, but where are the men? Not an important question but a symbolic one, for the church always seems to be dragged in to what the world is doing. And let no one say that female leadership was originally ordained by God in His written Word. Just isn't there, folks. The church is following the trends of the times!

But where are you, men? What's cowering you? We understand why women dominate in China, and we can't criticize a man who does not want to die an early death by being one of the visible leaders of the church. We cannot agree, but we can certainly not criticize until we have had our chance to be brave.

So, China we understand. America, no. There's simply no reason for men to be hiding on or under the pews while women slowly take their jobs. Don't men know the Scriptures and defend them? Don't men protect their women/wives/daughters and keep them from being exposed to the workings of the enemy that sooner or later go after the one in the pulpit? Do men want others gazing at their wives in this public way?

Have I totally mis-understood the Spirit-inspired teachings of the apostle? If so, it's been an expensive mistake, and I'm open to the church's Spirit-guided correction... as long as it is from the same Spirit that spoke to Paul

Look for Bob Faulkner's home page on There you will find a combination of love for the Scriptures and a desire for North Korean believers to have their needs met. There are nearly 300 blogs , ovber 200 Bible teaching MP3's, lists of resources, NK picture albums, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together! Contact me any time at

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Would love to fellowship with believers who respond .

Goal Setting For Success