Monday, August 31, 2009

Jews to Receive Jesus as Israel's King!

Is there strong indication in the Bible that Israel will have a change of heart and accept Yeshua because of the preaching of two prophets in Jerusalem, the Two Witnesses announced in Zechariah 4 and Revelation 11? Will the Jews grasp Jesus is the Anointed One, the Lamb and Lion of God, and finally convert?

Yes! There is definite proof of such as Yeshua clearly said He wouldn't return to Jerusalem, Judah or the Jews until they have a change of heart and welcome Him. The Two Witnesses, in the power and spirit of Elijah (who is dead and buried and awaits the First Resurrection), will prepare the way by preparing our people to receive our King!

Matthew 23:39

39 for I say to you, you shall see Me no more till you say, 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!'

Zechariah the prophet foresees such a long-awaited repentance and recognition! The Jews in Jerusalem will perceive that the Pierced One is the Firstborn of Judah and the Firstborn of God -- our King Messiah!

Zechariah 12:10-15

10 "And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn. 11 In that day there shall be a great mourning in Jerusalem, like the mourning at Hadad Rimmon in the plain of Megiddo. 12 And the land shall mourn, every family by itself: the family of the house of David [political establishment] by itself, and their wives by themselves; the family of the house of Nathan by itself, and their wives by themselves; 13 the family of the house of Levi [religious establishment] by itself, and their wives by themselves; the family of Shimei by itself, and their wives by themselves; 14 all the families that remain, every family by itself, and their wives by themselves.

Yeshua, first and foremost, is the King of the Jews, the King of Israel (all Twelve Tribes of Israel). Yeshua is coming back specifically to keep alive God's physical promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and our Israelite forefathers who left Egypt: the iron-clad promise that the Fathers will always have some survivors, some physical remnant, beyond any shadow of a doubt.

The cities of Judah will hear this message loud and clear:

Matthew 24:22

22 And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elects sake those days will be shortened.

Romans 11:28

28 Concerning the gospel they are enemies for your sake, but concerning the election they are beloved for the sake of the fathers.

Leviticus 26:44-45

44 Yet for all that, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not cast them away, nor shall I abhor them, to utterly destroy them and break My covenant with them; for I am the LORD their God.

45 But for their sake I will remember the covenant of their ancestors, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the nations, that I might be their God: I am the LORD.

We are the physical elect, the physical Chosen People -- primarily the British-Israelites and Jews, Joseph and Judah -- for whose sakes' those days will be cut short by divine intervention or we would all be history and Satan could say God is a liar. But God's Word is good and true and He will prepare our people by a baptism of repentance by the Two Witnesses, speaking to our captive audience from Jerusalem (having been conquered by the German-Jesuit EU), giving us the GOOD NEWS that our personal lord and NATIONAL SAVIOR, our NATIONAL DELIVERER, is coming soon to save us.

It is this glorious GOOD NEWS that I share within the first chapter of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, appropriately called: "Survival Guaranteed!"

David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. With a focus on the Middle East and Jerusalem, his analytical articles help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out the Beyond Babylon blog.

The Deity of Jesus Christ - Leviticus and Deuteronomy

In the Mosaic books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, one can trace the fact that Jesus is Divine.

Leviticus 11:44, Holy. Twice in rapid succession the God of Israel tells the Jewish nation, "Ye shall be holy, for I am holy." The Spirit that exudes from this God is called the Holy Spirit. Not the Happy or the Mighty but the Holy. Those filled with Holy Spirit are holy people! Isaiah sees the Lord as holy, and the angels of His vision thrice use the word in their classic proclamation: (6:3) "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts!" And Jesus? Is He ever referred to as holy? (Acts 2:27) Peter quotes David's famous words, " Thou wilt not leave My (Jesus') soul in hell, neither wilt Thou suffer Thy Holy One to see corruption." Peter again, in Acts 3:14 says, But ye (Jews) denied the Holy One (Jesus)...and desired a murderer (Barabbas) to be granted unto you." In a passage that in many ways parallels Isaiah's scene, John the Revelator (4:8) quotes the angels thus: "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come." But in 1:8 of that book, that formulation of words is applied directly to Jesus! Yes, the "Holy Child" Jesus is also the Holy Lord Almighty! God!

Deuteronomy 6:4, the One God. We come to a critical passage. 6:4 says simply, "Hear O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord." We see in this most precious of Jewish Scriptures the reason that the orthodox of Jesus' day wanted to stone Jesus. They could not accept a second God. They knew, and they were correct, that the Lord our God is one, a unity. The idea of more than one was abhorrent. Would that they had listened to Jesus when He proclaimed His oneness with the Father, John 10:30. But it still is quite difficult for these finite minds to grasp that one plus one equals one still. Notice again Paul's use of the word only , in I Timothy 6:15-16: "[Jesus Christ] is the... ONLY Potentate, THE King of Kings...Who ONLY hath immortality..." Yahweh claims to be the ONE God. Jesus is proclaimed to be the ONLY Potentate (source of power and authority). No conflict. Jesus is GOD.

Deuteronomy 10:17, Lord of Lords. "For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords..." Such an exclusive title. But it is also the title of the Lord Jesus Christ, written on His clothing, seen by the apostle John and recorded for us in Revelation 19:11-16: "The Word of God...hath on His vesture and on His thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS."

What can we say? Only that Jesus is God.

Deuteronomy 32:4 "He is the Rock.." This is one of many Old Testament passages calling the Lord a rock. Like in I Samuel 2:2, where we see Hannah, in the Spirit, saying, "Neither is there any Rock like our God!" Similarly in the New Testament we see Jesus telling Peter that the Church will be built on Peter's rock-statement that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God (Matthew 16). Peter later tells his flock that this Jesus is the "stone which the builders disallowed...the head of the corner, and a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence..." Paul comments that the Rock that followed the Israelites through the wilderness was none other than Jesus Christ (I Corinthians 10:4)!

Truth . The same passage as quoted above, 32:4, says that this God is "a God of truth." I need not even remind my readers that Jesus said (John 14:6) "I am the way, the truth, and the life..." If He is not God, He is a bit out of order to make such a claim! is a website I put together a few months back to get the word out to believers that they need to pray for North Korea. I have created over 200 blogs and the site features a live news feed, lists of resources, picture essays, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosen together! Contact me any time at

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. I love to write Scriptural works. Who are you? Would love to fellowship with believers who respond.

Daniel, Antichrist, And The Abomination Of Desolation

In a close study of Daniel, chapter 8, is a possible revelation of the end times yet in our future.

In verse 9, first we see the temporal or earthly rise of the "little horn." It/he grows to the south, to the east, and toward Israel, the "glorious land." Two things we learn here about the man who will come. One, there must be a land farther south of him than Israel. And, two, from where he is at the beginning, Israel is not "east." Chapter eleven will identify him much more clearly, and show how he indeed did move to the directions here indicated.

Then am I saying that he is merely a historical figure and that this passage has been fulfilled? A thousand times, no! Historical yes, fulfilled , no! Bear with me until you see the whole vision as Daniel saw it! And you still will have trouble. That's why God saw fit to give Daniel another view of the same man from a different perspective in chapter eleven. There will be no mistaking the identity of this man.

And let me pause here to remind readers that we are not talking about a bright young man named Daniel who conjured up a cool story about the future of nations. We are talking about a very old, confused and overawed man who cowers in the presence of angels and who is being given visions directly from Heaven. Let not cynicism enter our thinking here or we will lose sight of what God is saying. This Word is from heaven. It is pure in every syllable and must be examined carefully.

Verse ten is a turning point. Read it carefully. This man suddenly is having influence in heaven as well as earth. This is no mere mortal any longer. Something has changed! The "little" king has grown up! Grown up to the heavens! Because of him, some of Heaven's armies are cast to the ground! Perhaps they are in part responsible for the earthly army that surrounds Jerusalem in Luke 21 (or is this army heavenly too, in the worst sense?).

The plot sickens. This vile contender for the throne of Syria and surroundings is now contending for a universal throne, and the throne of the King of Kings. He wants it all! That's what Gabriel says. He exalts himself to the "Prince" of Heaven.

As the army encircles Jerusalem in this last showdown of history, the "horn" commands that daily sacrifices of the Jews be stopped. No more need to sacrifice to this Jewish God, when a better one is available, himself. The sanctuary is entered by this ruler, then cast down.

Historically this man has been identified as Antiochus Epiphanes. But Biblically, so far, there is no need to do that. I say, there is no need so far. Chapter eleven will tie together the historical man with the future man. But chapter eight does not do that except in one phrase. In explaining who this man is, Gabriel says simply that he arises (not that he is born and raised) in the latter days of one of the four divisions of Alexander's Empire. This clue, coupled to the descriptive "out of one of them" phrase earlier in the chapter ( verse 9 ) lets us know only that the end time tyrant comes originally from somewhere in post-Alexander Greece. That is, he was born either in Greece, Turkey, The Middle East, or Egypt.

We cannot bring prior knowledge into a text. We let the text speak first. So far the text has only pointed us to Greece and the very end of time, and tied these two eras together in a man. There is no demand by the chapter eight text to bring in Antiochus or any man we have known in history. All that this man does in this text can be done in the future.

We now know, with certainty, where antichrist arises! We also know that when he arises it is with supernatural help. We know that it is he who will, aided by an army -perhaps a heavenly one- stop the Jewish sacrifices and himself profane and destroy the Temple. We see soon the phrase "transgression of desolation" (verse 13) and know we must be close to the very sign Jesus gave for His soon return. And then comes the clear definition of the timing of this man:

Verses 13-14. First there is the exchange between two angels who identify the time period involved as a little more than six years. This time seems to comprise the lead-up to the abomination, the abomination itself, and the subsequent "trampling" (the word used in Luke 21) of Jerusalem.

Verses 15-17. The key conversation which we are granted grace to overhear is between a "Man" and the angel Gabriel. The Man commands Gabriel to help Daniel understand the vision. The first and perhaps most important thing that Daniel is made to understand is that (verse 17) the vision refers to the time of the end. This phrase will be spoken and expanded on several other times later in this book. There is no doubt allowed here that the "little horn" vision culminates in the end time, not the days of Antiochus, 200 years before Christ came to earth!

So our conclusion can only be that "the abomination of desolation" spoken of by Daniel the prophet, still in the future when Jesus spoke about it, refers not to any episode in the life of Antiochus Epiphanes, but to the end of all time, as demanded by the angel Gabriel and the "Man" who commanded the message. is a website I put together a few months back to get the word out to believers that they need to pray for North Korea. Just about every day I'm writing a blog featuring some news, a book, or a story of North Korea. There's a live news feed on the site, lists of resources, picture essays, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together!

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Who are you? Would love to fellowship with believers who respond on my site.

Why Read The Bible?

How easy is it for you to let dust collect on your Bible?

There was a time when I was first searching out the truth about Jesus Christ that I was embarrassed to let friends see the bible I had purchased sitting in my living room.

Then there was a season during which I was so proud to have my study bible laying open with a bookmark, highlighter and note paper nearby.

Then my bible started to just feel like an extension of my own body... always there, always ready.

Then the bible collection began... I wanted different versions, different purposes, different looks and different styles. A bible for my bedroom, a bible for the car and a bible just in case someone needs one.

And sadly... there has been a season in my life where my bible collected dust. How can that be?

Why read the Bible?

A. It shows you the right path.

B. It alerts you when you are getting off the right path.

C. It teaches you how to get back on the right path.

D. It empowers you to stay on the right path.

Isn't that what life is all about? Finding and staying on the right path? And isn't life always trying to get us off of the right path? The Bible is our Path Guide. We dare not let it collect dust - or worse yet, be left behind completely.

Joel Osteen and his father before him begin every service at Lakewood Church by leading the entire congregation in a simple prayer of confession and it starts like this:

"This is my Bible:

I am what it says I am;

I have what it says I have;

I can do what it says I can do."

When you open your Bible to spend some quiet time with your God - Do you believe that you are what the Bible says you are? Do you believe that you have what it says you have? Do you really believe that you can do what it says you can do?

How will you approach your Bible today?

About the Authors: Kelly McCausey and Sandra Jensen lead the Me Skills Discipleship Community, a private membership website for Christians who wish to enjoy a deeper relationship with Christ. Subscribe for free daily email devotionals at

Spiritual Humor In Religion - Read This It's Funny

Well you probably heard of the problems that some people get into when they drink a little too much and start to drive their cars. This is known as drinking and driving irresponsibly and can be hazardous to your health but more hazardous to your pocketbook. Overdosing on drugs, spending too much money shopping, gambling excessively and last but not least, spending too much time at your place of worship can be hazardous to others. Over time, our loved ones seem to suffer the most from our excesses.

I suggest most people use religion responsibly and try not to overindulge in the excesses of your spiritual practice. Like an alcoholic drinking until they feel good, only to wake up feeling bad the next morning. And then starting the process all over the next day.

Now for the big question, "Are You a Religiousoholic?" Do you spend too much time at church? Do you surround yourself exclusively with people that share your same religious beliefs?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, there's a good chance you're a religiousoholic. Like alcoholics and drug addicts, there is help for you, once you've identified your problem, we can help. We call it our 5 step program. Alcoholics Anonymous has a 12 step program for recovery but we have eliminated a couple and rearranged others in hopes for a faster recovery.

Religionolism is no laughing matter and should be handled with the utmost delicacy. Start with the first step and work your way down the list and within a short period of time you should find yourself free from the religious tyranny of your institutionalized religion.

Step 1. The biggest problem you're going to happen during your recovery will be the temptation from religious followers, wanting you to come back. Like a drug addict, saying no to drugs,it's hard, you're going to have to be strong here. Learn to say no to organized religion and yes to religious freedom.

Step 2. Instead of reading Scripture, start reading about other religions around the world. You will find some weird things and new ideas, but the bottom line here is that you'll be able to see some similarities, and silliness between the religions.

Step 3. You can still spend time praying, just spend more time praying about how grateful you are, instead of praying for something you want, start spending a little more time thanking God for the things in your lives that you already have. I have spent a lot of time praying for things I never got. When I stopped praying for the things, I thought I needed, I started getting the things I really needed.

Step 4. Start spending a little more time believing in yourself, some religions seem to give all the glory and credit to their gods and very little to the people that are actually making the sacrifices. I have also noticed that when something goes wrong, some religious followers tend to punish themselves and it just doesn't seem fair. God gets all the credit when things are good and you blame yourself when things go wrong.

Step 5. Start showing a little more compassion towards people who don't think the same as you do or believe in your religion. Love and compassion are the true acts of a religious believer. I believe you'll find that in every religious scripture... somewhere.

Sometimes we get a little carried away in our beliefs and tend to beat up other people who don't share them with us. If you're part of a religion who discriminates, shows intolerance, bigotry or prejudice to other nonbelievers, maybe this isn't the religion you think it should be.

Dalai Lama - "All major religious traditions carry basically the same message, that is love, compassion and forgiveness, the important thing is they should be part of our daily lives."

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. If we could communicate better and understand different religious philosophy and cultures.

Just how big of a deal is Money Organized Religion. Your money is used for various things and some of them, you might not really want to spend the money on. Something to think about.

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility. It's based on overindulgence.

Paul And The Place Of Women In The Church Of Jesus

Those who are convinced that modern woman must have her say in the church, attempt to place Paul against Paul to prove their point. In the light of Paul's burning criticism of female practices in I Corinthians 14, they nimbly turn back a few chapters, to I Corinthians 11:4, and point out the phenomenon of the praying and prophesying woman. They say, Here! You see, women did speak out in the assembly.

It is good for us that Paul himself wrote both of these passages only chapters apart, or men would be pitting Paul against some other church leader. As it is, we need only to harmonize the thoughts of one man, convinced he did not contradict himself.

In the first place, it would be hard to prove that the woman mentioned here is praying or prophesying in a public assembly. The context is again man and woman relationship, and could easily be seen in the area of the home. Philip had 4 virgin daughters that prophesied, probably often. Prophesy was , in the Old Covenant at least, most often an individual, not a group, experience, and could appear anywhere.

It is of note in passing here that persons who come to this passage looking for relief for poor restricted women only find more restrictions on her liberty in the form of the head covering, another taboo topic for Western preachers. We can be assured that this whole matter is just as offensive to modern woman as their required silence, but supporters swoop down and grab half a verse from this head-covering chapter for the sake of a needed proof-text.

But let's suppose that a woman, in the assembly, using the gift of prophecy, is intended here. What is she doing? She is allowing her vessel to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and from there the Holy Spirit is speaking through her. In no way is she assuming authority given to a man. In no way is she striving to be seen or heard or exalted before the Body of Christ. This we must allow to explain the presence of the "prophetess" in Scripture. We will cover this matter later when speaking of Deborah.

In his letter to traveling companion and young minister Timothy, Paul gives instructions as to the set-up of the church's governmental structure. Before stating the qualifications for a man who would be a church overseer or official servant, Paul specifically spells out the role of women, or "wives" if you prefer. (I Timothy 2:9)

He mentions modesty in dress, and good works. Then, consistent with his word to Corinth and God's Word to Adam and Eve, he demands silence and submission. He goes a step further here, the step that is only implied to the Corinthians. A woman is never to (1) teach a man, or (2) have authority over a man. His reasons are not cultural, historical, or temporary. And this is not about "wicked Corinth" as some love to explain in his former words to describe the curiously evil people of that town. No, every age is wicked, including, and perhaps especially, our own, as we almost certainly have entered the great apostasy.

Be that as it may, it is Ephesus here addressed. And his reasons are theological, Scriptural, and based in the origins of all things.

1. Adam was formed first, establishing the natural order.

2. Woman sinned first, bringing that natural order under law.

These words are so painful to the modern ear. This is a "hard saying" to them. But those who embrace hard sayings should allow it to make them hardened soldiers of Christ, and not allow rebellion to spoil the perfecting work of God.

Would this apostle approve of the present set-up of our churches? Would he favor women on the ruling board of a congregation? How about women teaching in an adult Bible class? I think not.

Oh, may God give us grace to repent of anything that a Spirit-filled apostle would disapprove. is a website I put together a few months back to get the word out to believers that they need to pray for North Korea. Just about every day I'm writing a blog featuring some news, a book, or a story of North Korea. There's a live news feed on the site, lists of resources, picture essays, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together!

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Who are you? Would love to fellowship with believers who respond on my site.

From The End-Time Signal To The Descending Savior

What an exciting series of events follows the final sign that Jesus has given for His coming.

Matthew 24:16-20. Those listening, and especially those reading , are told to get out of town when they see the signal. Yes, there is still some unfinished business to take place in the Jewish community. The fact that A.D. 70 was a "false alarm" does not cancel out the ultimate judgment coming to that part of the world. The Word of God still stands, and it is unfulfilled. Thanks to Him for the many who have gone to Israel to call out a remnant of the Jewish people to salvation. But the great majority of Israelites will not accept Israel's God until forced to do so.

Yes, Israel will run again on that day. In the midst of the prophecy of this destruction given in Zechariah 12, God says to Israel (v. 12) that they will be asked to look on the One Who was pierced for them. A spirit of supplication will come upon them as they look and are grieved at what they see. While fire rains from Heaven all around them, they will be taken to a place of refuge and exposed to the truth about Messiah. 144,000 such believing Jews are enumerated in Revelation 7:1-8. The "woman" of Revelation 12, whom we know to be Israel, is taken to a hiding place for three and one half years and "nourished" miraculously. Here is where they meet Messiah, in my opinion. This would explain why there is still going to be some "running" in Israel's future. They will run right into Jesus' arms.

Needless to say, none of this happened in A.D. 70. The prophecy is not fulfilled.

Matthew 24:21 should have been the "give-away" thought to all of us who lived through the turbulence of the 20th and early 21st centuries. We should have seen that a temporary destruction of Jerusalem by an ancient Roman army was not what Jesus was talking about when he mentioned unprecedented trouble. Never before, never since, says verse 21. No world catastrophe that comes near this one. And yet we can all think of or read of times when the peoples of our world, or even the Jews alone, were in greater trouble than those days of history following Jesus' stay here. How many people perished in the World Wars? How many Jews in the Holocaust? What about atomic bombs and nuclear warheads?

Jesus saw the chaotic drama of all time taking place. So horrifying, so universal, so devastating that our Sovereign God will step in and shut it all down (v. 23) before every living thing on the planet, including those chosen to enter into Kingdom life, is snuffed out. That was not A.D. 70. Our thinking must change. The sign of Matthew 24:15 points to the end, not to A.D. 70.

Verses 23-25. During the course of this destructive period, which we have not yet entered, more false prophets and Christ's arise. Great signs and wonders will occur, orchestrated in part by the religious assistant of the man of sin described in Revelation 13, and alluded to in II Thessalonians 2. People love signs and wonders. Not content with what the Word says, they will have itching ears and listen to anyone who can back up his message with a miracle. In antichrist's reign there will be miracles a-plenty, and this is how he will keep the world in his grasp.

Verses 26-28. Many will try to say that Jesus has already come, as they did as early as the first century, in Thessalonica. It was this perversion of the truth, an early attempt at a rapture theory, that occasioned the book of II Thessalonians... and thank God for it! Jesus asserts in Matthew that He is not coming back gradually, slowly, casually, or spookily. When He is here, you will know immediately!

Verse 29, coming here as it does, following a lengthy response to his beloved and very curious disciples, ought to stop forever the thought of a pre-tribulation catching away. Is it conceivable to you that Jesus, having been asked what He was asked by disciples, not Jewish rabble, not enemies, would fail to tell His closest friends and allies about a secret coming seven long years before His arrival again to the planet? When they wanted to know about His coming, would He have deliberately passed over the fact that they would not have to run when the others did, that they should not fear false prophets as the others feared, that they should not be bothered about looking up to the heavens as the others when signs in the heavens occur, because they would already be with Him?

Two key words appear in this verse. First, "immediately". After the trouble caused by the abomination of desolation, the "sign" the disciples asked for, no years, months, weeks or days intervene. When that time period, defined by Daniel and John in their visions, is over, immediately it is the end of the age!

And need I say it, secondly, the word "after". Jesus comes for His own after the tribulation, the world's great trouble, Jacob's trouble. What more can Jesus say to our confused church generation than what He already said? No hint of a previous coming seven years earlier. But a clear statement of this one. All the powers of the heavens shaken. Jesus appears. He sends His angels. They sound the last trumpet. They gather His chosen from the four winds. They are caught up! They are raptured! They are spared the judgment that now falls on the planet. But they are not spared the great tribulation.

So there is Matthew 24, and the outline of the last days. How clear it is. How muddled has been our thinking. Oh how much better to take what Jesus says as He says it. is a website I put together a few months back to get the word out to believers that they need to pray for North Korea. Just about every day I'm writing a blog featuring some news, a book, or a story of North Korea. There's a live news feed on the site, lists of resources, picture essays, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together!

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Who are you? Would love to fellowship with believers who respond on my site.

North Koreans - Down To Cornhusks

North Korea's refugees have been found in many locations of China. Refugees International has interviewed many of these poor souls. I give the summary of a conversation held between an RI representative and a recently escaped North Korean refugee.

This victim is a 27-year-old man who came from Undok, North Korea, to China in June of '03. As with all the refugees, his chances of survival in North Korea had come to the near-zero mark. So he left parents and siblings and made the trip by himself into an all new world.

His first impression of China was the stark contrast between it and his home country. How prosperous the Chinese! Then he began wondering what he will do in this foreign land. His family members are farmers. At least they work for farmers, much like slaves on the old southern plantations of the United States worked for farmers, and were "permitted" to live so they could keep prospering the farmers. His family of six was allowed to keep only 150 kilograms of food... per year. That includes the cornhusks. That's 330 pounds divided by 6, or 55 pounds each. If my math isn't faulty, that's one pound of food per week. Just ounces per day.

This gentleman claims there is no other way to get food. He says that if they don't finish planting, and don't have enough food, the manager will give them a little corn and allow them to buy some food. But if they have no money to buy food, they can't expect the manager to show any generosity in terms of cash.

So it's off to the mountains, to join the many other desperate North Korean souls who are collecting medicinal plants to sell in the market place. This is seasonal work, up to half of the year. It's possible to collect maybe a kilogram in a day of working. 2 pounds. 2 pounds will sell for 450 won. In today's market, that's about 50 cents a day.

Speaking of medicine, three of his family members have serious illness. But there is no serious medicine available. Even if there were, they have no money. And they can't sell their goods for some quick cash because they have no goods.

What does this family have? Hope. It seems that there are varying degrees of hope in North Korea. One hope that this family has latched onto is the outbreak of war and the subsequent changing of the status quo. Things cannot remain as they are. For one thing, the aid being sent in by well-meaning donors is being diverted to those who need it much less than these northeastern farmers. "Everybody knows this," he says.

Tonight let us be grateful for all God has richly supplied to us, and work toward being sure all our brothers and sisters in Jesus are equally blessed. is a website I put together a few months back to get the word out to believers that they need to pray for North Korea. Just about every day I'm writing a blog featuring some news, a book, or a story of North Korea. There's a live news feed on the site, lists of resources, picture essays, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together!

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Who are you? Would love to fellowship with believers who respond on my site.

Convicted in a North Korean Jail

The stories keep coming in. Following is a relatively recent account of a prisoner of the Kim Jong-il regime. Much of it will seem familiar to those who have read this column often. But surely the workings of God in each North Korean are individual. Consider:

Peter [name changed], a North Korean, lived as a refugee in China, where he was found by the security police and sent back to North Korea. Oh, and he was arrested with his family, that is, with his wife and his six-year-old daughter.

His wife had been a believer since her days in North Korea. Her mother, likewise a believer in Jesus, had waited until she was 16 years of age to share about Jesus with her. It is not safe for a child to bear such precious information, reason North Korea's believing parents. Peter became a believer after they all came to China.

Now, anyone sent back to North Korea from China is always asked two questions:

  • Did you meet any South Koreans there? and
  • Did you go to church there?

Peter said "no" to both questions. I ask you, reader, what would you have said? Is it not a proper thing to tell untruths to persons such as these are, who destroy lives for no reason? Read on.

While he was incarcerated, a new prisoner was brought in. He was a Chinese man who had come from inland China to North Korea for the expressed purpose of evangelizing North Koreans, even though he could not speak Korean well. Such love from God! He was arrested.

When Peter heard of the Chinese man's story, he was convicted in his heart. He realized that, like the apostle called Peter, he too was denying Christ. First he said he had not met any South Koreans, but especially, he denied going to church while in China.

He confessed his lies to an officer . The officer began torturing him saying, "Even if you would deny Jesus now, we won't let you go." Peter said, "I will continue to evangelize and will never deny Jesus in my heart."

So he told people in the prison about the Savior. And despite the on-going torture by the guard, he experienced joy and developed a hope that he would go to heaven quickly.

Instead, he was released and witnessed to his entire family, who have now been saved, and have started an underground church. Peter now lives in South Korea.

Being willing to die does not always bring death. Being anxious to live does not always bring life. What is important for all of us is, What is the perfect will of God for my life? Thank you, "Peter", for sharing your story with us and for being true to Jesus.

Look for Bob Faulkner's home page on - There you will find a combination of love for the Scriptures and a desire for North Korean believers to have their needs met. There are nearly 300 blogs , ovber 200 Bible teaching MP3's, lists of resources, NK picture albums, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together! Contact me any time at

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Would love to fellowship with believers who respond.

The Story of Chosun, Part 13

The Yi dynasty continues its fabled reign in this the 15th century since our Lord walked the earth. Unfortunately, the Lord of time has not yet been introduced into Korean history. Buddhism, though given up by officials, now surges among the people, competing with the ever-present Confucius.

A series of kings come and go. In 1450, Munjong, unhealthy and unwise. 1452, his son, whose uncle, the prince Su-Yang of Sejong's reign, takes the kingdom with violence. Though his start is very bad, his reign continues the reforms of his illustrious father. He resigns in 1468, giving his office to his son, who dies in 1469.

Sunjong is next, a Confucianist who refuses Buddha altogether. He orders all obscenity dropped from songs and poems. Music is ordered to be more serious. A nice touch. Would that our own nation could get a bit of this wisdom.

Sunjong's death in 1494 brings Yun-san, the son of Dad's concubine, a troublesome sort. One of his first objectives as King of Chosun is to avenge insults to his mother. Then, he kills his tutor, and slaughters hundreds that are in any way connected to denegrating the reputation of the Queen Mother. It is in fact a reign of terror. And debauchery. He defiles the Confucian temple. He invites sorcerers and witches to return to their crafts.

By 1506 the people have had enough. They banish him. Ah for the times when the people can banish a bad ruler! People enjoy being led by one who is wise and fair and strong. They eventually will find a way to topple an evil man. Consider Romania's recent history.

King Chungjong is next and it's back to reforms. In his reign we enter the "golden age" of Korean morals, the highest point of its literature, the apex of its cultural distinctives. Everyone is reacting to the evil of Yun-san, and in doing so, a class of "puritans" is created out of the dust of his degradation.

It is 1524. More tragedy. Cholera kills 7,700 citizens in Pyongyang. Later pestilence sweeps the northern province of Hamgyung. Floods devastate yet other regions. It is not always pleasant in the "land of morning calm."

In 1544 Prince In-jong ascends to the throne at his father's death. But through an unscrupulous mother aided by the politics of the time, 12-year-old Myung-jong, his brother, takes power via regent Mom. Through her, Buddhism is given a serious shot in the arm. In a short time, though, the regency is ended, and In-jong reigns, bringing needed improvements to the Kingdom.

Meanwhile, troubles from the north, and the Japanese in the south... we'll continue the 16th century next time.

A thought. As the Korean military was raised up and usually won when it fought, so a Christian militia of prayer warriors needs to beseech God day and night for the souls of this land. The battle for Korea is still a very real one.

Look for Bob Faulkner's home page on There you will find a combination of love for the Scriptures and a desire for North Korean believers to have their needs met. There are nearly 300 blogs, over 200 Bible teaching MP3's, lists of resources, NK picture albums, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together! Contact me any time at

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Would love to fellowship with believers who respond .

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Story of Chosun, Part 7

For those who enjoy history, and who love North Korea, we continue this story of the ancient days of the Korean peninsula.

Now, as in the study of many histories of the region, we must confront the Mongols.

The empire of the Mong people sits to the north of China and Korea. It did not always occupy that far-away location. In course of time it was only natural that they would head south and see what was available. Yusuka and his son Genghis begin the conquest of the 40 small tribes in the vicinity in the beginning of the 13th century. By 1212 they have worked their way to Koryu and the Kin tribe mentioned before. The Kin, smaller, are threatened first. They turn to Koryu for help.

Meanwhile the remnant of the Khitans go south, likewise pursued by the Mongols, into the hands of rival Koryu. They brashly charge into Pyongyang and make it their headquarters. Then the advance to Song-bo.

So, the enemy is at the door, there is rebellion in the South, and in the capital, "a mountain of dead and rivers of blood." But the Khitans are defeated. In fact, Koryu sends a Khitan officer back to the Mongols, and there is talk of a treaty. The Mongols make short work of the Khitans and reward Koryu.

But not for long. In 1221, the Mongols demand revenue.

Enough trouble? It seems that Korea and its ancestors never have enough. Now re-enter the Japanese. From 1223 until around 1400, independent Japanese raiders ravage sections of Koryu.

Why have so many felt that Korea is up for grabs?

The northern Yujin tribes, now a part of the Mongols, also raid from the north. And in 1231 there is a massive Mongol invasion. The King of Koryu surrenders, the Mongols move in. Subjugation. Occupation. Not the first time, not the last. Such is the sad history of these people we study.

Soon there are rebellions throughout the land against the Mongol governors. There is outright insurrection and anarchy in the capital. But when the Mongols hear of this, they slaughter many in the North.

1234 marks the end of the "Kin" dynasty, and in the next year the Mongols occupy the entire Korean peninsula. In a last feeble effort to save the nation, the King of Koryu becomes a sun worshiper.

Henry Hulbert, the historian we follow through this fascinating history, on page 199 of his book says: " It would be impossible for anyone to imagine the suffering and distress entailed by these invasions. The records say that people simply left their houses and fields and fled to these places of refuge. What did these hundreds of thousands of people live on as they fled, and after they reached their places of retreat? What breaking of old bonds of friendship and kinship, what rending of family ties and uprooting of ancient landmarks! It is a marvel that the land ever recovered from the shock."

Reminds one of the NK refugee problem of our own day. The suffering, the distress, the fleeing, the hunger, the bond-breaking. When a land is so singularly cursed, only the blessing of God can make a difference. It is for that blessing that so many are crying out today, and I ask you to join us.

Next time, more of the Mongols, the Japanese, and self-destruction by the Koreans themselves.

Look for Bob Faulkner's home page on There you will find a combination of love for the Scriptures and a desire for North Korean believers to have their needs met. There are nearly 300 blogs , ovber 200 Bible teaching MP3's, lists of resources, NK picture albums, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together! Contact me any time at

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Would love to fellowship with believers who respond .

Obeying God and Hearing His Voice

A friend of mine told me he once asked a godly lady how she became so powerful with God. She replied, "Have you ever been in a restaurant or some other public place and felt God leading you to go talk to some stranger there?" He said yes. She asked, "Did you do it?"

He was silent as he thought of opportunities missed. She said, "Well, there you have it."

The life of a disciple is lived with regular knots in the pit of your stomach. Perhaps there are some great disciples out there who are never in fear that what they think is the voice of God inside is really just some inner impulse that will lead them to great embarrassment. I don't know any disciples like that, though. The great disciples I know set the fear aside, live with the knot in the pit of their stomach, and risk embarrassment.

These disciples talk to people, including strangers, that they feel led to talk to. They say that strange thing that they feel God leading them to say. They do that unusual thing that they feel God leading them to do.

I remember one night in Germany feeling led to talk to a man I was walking past on the sidewalk. I didn't know what to say, but I remembered years earlier that an evangelist (Danny Duvall) had said thatstraightforward is best. Just tell them that you want to talk to them about Jesus.

So I stopped this man with the question, in German, "Do you know Jesus?" His answer was amazing. "How could I possibly know Jesus? He's been dead for two thousand years."

I had one of the most interesting talks I've ever had with that man. I don't know what impact it had on him, but it led to one of the more interesting nights of my life. He invited me to talk to him more at the bar he was walking to. I went home to tell my wife I was taking him up on the invitation, and then I went to the bar.

When I got there, the German man wasn't there, but an old friend from the military was. I got to spend an hour talking to him about life and about the Lord. After that hour, another man came in talking about God. Yes, talking about God in a bar. He was very strange, and he had strange ideas about God. I talked to him until he let down and began talking a lot more reasonably, and he began admitting he knew he needed to give his life to God. It was a very, very unusual conversation.

Amazingly enough, it didn't end there. The owner of the local "house of ill repute" (that was legal in Germany then, and it may still be) came in. The bartender refused to serve him and said he always came in to start fights with Americans. I asked him in German why he hated Americans, and he was surprised I spoke German. He said he was still mad about world war II, even though he had to have been a child during the war. I was able to preach the Gospel even to him, though he was very resistant to it.

Afterwards, I drove the strange man that had talked about God to his room on base. The military had sent him over for just one week, and so I never saw him again, but I know our conversation made an impact on his life. He had been drinking a bit in the bar, even though I hadn't been, and he really opened up on the way to his room.

I've missed my share of opportunities by not listening to that quiet inner voice, but I didn't miss that one. It's been more than twenty years since that happened, but the stories from that night still inspire me and others not to let God's whisperings go by unheeded.

Make your own memories. You can't be a disciple without regularly feeling the gnawing fear that comes when God asks you to do something outside your comfort zone. The choice between obeying your fear and obeying God can be the one difference between being a great man or woman of Godand being just another person who left no impact on this world.

The Rest of the Old, Old Story: honest and historic Christianity. Is your faith working? Is it transforming you and those around you? Get in the mainstream of God's power by walking in the footsteps of the most powerful churches in history

Also see Paul Pavao's blog on Radical Christianity

When God Abandons

It is a sad and scary truth but one we must face. God does abandon people and nations. Samson was abandoned when he persisted in his disobedience.

Israel was abandoned when she would not stop going after other gods. Jesus Himself was temporarily abandoned on the cross. For our sin, the Father turned His ear from the cryings of His only begotten Son.

Was North Korea abandoned when its leadership turned its people away from worship of the one true God and caused them to worship human idols that took over the country? Is the United States in the process of losing its protection as it allows more and more of the things that God hates? December 7 and September 11 are only two of the tragedies that have befallen our country.

One thing that is playing itself out as I write today is the inability of God-fearing moral men to find a candidate to run for the Presidency. And, though some of us may have had trouble with Billy Graham's ecumenical ways, where now is the "prophet" who whispers in the ears of our leaders the things of God? Where is a national voice of righteousness being raised up that people are hearing? Unless America repents, I believe there will be many more tragedies.

So how does the abandonment of God get reversed? We use the same cast of characters:

Samson repented. For the rest of his life he wanted to be God's man and win God's victories. God gave him that chance and came back to him.

Israel followed hard after God in Babylon, and God heard her cries for restoration. Another chance, another temple, revival! God's people prayed.

When our sins were paid for, Jesus was released from the old beaten bloody body, and was glorified and resurrected. Perfect obedience.

Consider also the persecution of the Roman Empire. As God's people preached the Gospel "underground" the entire Empire was salted down and made worth saving.

Ex-Communist countries of our day have the same testimony. Freedom came to them as the underground church became such a factor as not to be ignored any longer. Life erupted out of the death in persecution.

Today there are believers inside of North Korea spreading the Word of God, praying, believing God for a great national miracle. They are repenting that they ever followed and believed the government. It seems to me that our job now is to keep feeding that surge of life until it too erupts, to keep the Bibles flowing into North Korea, to keep sending men and women in. The refugees who come out must be reached for Christ. Many will go back in and lay their necks down for Jesus. And North Korea will be abandoned no longer.

As for America. May she only look at Chosun and see her future if she does not straighten up her act. Mercy! Mercy! Today pray for America, perhaps so very ripe for judgment. Could it be that a time will come when the prosperity of this nation will be swallowed up and totally forgotten in unimaginable poverty? Why not?

But for today, let us remember the prisoners, as though bound with them, in beloved Chosun. is a website I put together a few months back to get the word out to believers that they need to pray for North Korea. Just about every day I'm writing a blog featuring some news, a book, or a story of North Korea. There's a live news feed on the site, lists of resources, picture essays, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together!

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Who are you? Would love to fellowship with believers who respond on my site.

Creation With a Message

The existence of God & His power was & still is made clear to all of mankind through what can be observed since & as a result of creation (cf. Ps.19:1-4; Isa.40:26; Rom.1:19, 20). Apart from this general revelation (cf. Isa. 46:10), God has also provided us with special revelation through His prophets (cf. Luke 16:29, 31; John 5:39; Jude 1:3). He did not leave us clue-less as to what the purpose & manner of our existence is supposed to be (cf. Ps. 50:15; Matt. 5:16; 1 Cor. 15:3), but gave us His Word, the Bible, as a guide to life (cf. Ps. 19:7-11; Luke 1:2; 2Tim. 3:16).

Obviously, there will be those who don't like this message, because it exposes their sin & calls for change (cf. John 3:19; 8:44-45). Their reaction is normally an attempt to eliminate the truth of the Bible from their minds either by clever reasoning and/or the invention of their own god(s) according to their preferences (cf. Rom. 1:21-25; 2Tim. 4:3). This ignorance will however not change God's everlasting Truth (cf. Ps. 119:89; Matt. 5:18; 24:35; Acts 5:38, 39; 1Pet. 1:25), but will end in the judgment of those who continue in their unbelief / ignorance (cf. John 15:24; Acts 17:30; Eph. 4:18). After all, by not believing something, it doesn't automatically become invalidated and/or false. For example, a blind man may not be able to perceive light, but that doesn't void the reality of light.

Over the ages there has been many onslaughts against the Truth and presently, in my opinion, a certain well-known church-movement forms part of the antichrist's means of paving the way towards a unified religion whereby most, common religions are accepted & even included. And what better way to inject society with this kind of tolerant attitude than through a world-renown person? Straight-out lies & falsehoods can be recognised quickly whereas half-truths, such as a religion that makes mention of Jesus, but doesn't acknowledge His diety, are easily accepted & even believed (cf. 1 John 4:3-5).

Jesus warned us about false Christs & prophets that will deceive many with signs, wonders, & appearances (Matt. 24:11, 24), and He also taught that there is no other way to salvation than through Him (cf. John 14:6) as both Lord & Saviour (cf. Rom.10:9; 14:11; Php.2:11). Those who only want Jesus as Saviour, but not as Lord of their lives, will eventually contradict the Gospel by way of their lives (John 12:48; 1 Thes. 4:7-8; 2 Tim. 3:5; James 2:20, 26), and that is exactly what distinguishes geniune faith from the false (cf. Luke 3:7-9; 6:44; John 15:5).

2 Corinthians 13:5, "Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realise that Christ Jesus is in you- unless, of course, you fail the test?"

Deon (Ditto / D)

Asking Amiss

Sometimes when we pray asking God for some things we want in our lives, God answers back with a big NO! This is not that he does not want us to have those things we are asking for but because the motive behind wanting them is wrong. We are asking amiss. God never blesses you for your own sake. He does not want you to have money so that you can only satisfy your needs and wants. God wants you to use that money to reach out to the needy in the society. Bless the work of God with what you have.

Other times, we want to have things so as we can show of to our friends, enemies and relatives. As a Christian, this is very wrong. In fact you will miss on your blessings because of your wrong motives. We want to be seen in the best of cars, clothes and houses. This is not wrong, in fact God wants his children to have the best. Let all these good things come, not because you are seeking for them but as a reward from God.

When you are asking amiss, too many things start to go wrong in your walk with God. Sometimes we tend to be offended with God. Yet we do not know that we are worsening our situation. When your work with God is holy, things in your life start to line up. You don't even care if you have the best of worldly stuff. All that matters is your walk with God. When you get to this point, God releases blessings in your life. Blessings you do not have room to contain.

Angela Mwema is a messenger to the world with the true and living word of God. Please visit her site for more spiritual nourishment. This is why-does-god-bless-us

Greek Orthodox Chant Movie Video

I love the chants from the Greek Orthodox and other Religions

Peaceful Warrior God

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a christian Ideas library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world.

You Have the Power

Matthew 18: 19-20 I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they make ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. For where two or three have gathered in My name, I am there in their midst.

There is power in the name of Jesus. There is power in fellowship and in numbers. Power to live the life promised to you comes in fellowship and agreement with others. Dont isolate yourself from other believers.

When you come into agreement with other believers, Satan has to flee. He cant stand it when two or more believers in Jesus get together in prayer. For many years, Satan has tried to stop the movement of Jesus but like a mighty army, the church keeps moving onward.

We have the power in the name of Jesus. Though Satan rages, you cant be defeated because you have the power in the name of Jesus Christ. Use His name when you face battles you cant win.

Remember Jesus promised that when two or more of us get together in His name and ask for help He would answer. Today find another Christian and ask Jesus to give you the power to overcome whatever obstacle stands in your way of victory.

The battle has already been won all you have to do is walk in that victory. You will not be defeated in the name of Jesus. You will soar like an eagle today in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, you will see mountains moved. In the mighty name of Jesus, you will see your life change.

Today be determine to find other believers and join hands with them in prayer and power. You dont have to go through this life alone, find others, and find power in the name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Focus: Lord, lead to me to others who share my faith in You. Teach me how to use your power to overcome obstacles in my life.

Dr Bob Wilkerson is author of the book, "I Will Not Be Defeated Anymore". He is dedicated to helping others recover from life altering circumstances. Dr. Bob is a motivational speaker/singer with a true life story of God's power to change any individuals life. If your Church or organization is looking for a dynamic speaker/singer please email him today.

North Korea - Here Comes Jesus!

For many months now I have been sharing with you all the difficult things people need to know about North Korea. We've talked famine & flood together, refugees, orphans, split-up families. I've wept with you over concentration camps, torture, public executions. But rarely have I been able to share good things with you. Well, hey, there just aren't a lot of good things to share. But today my quiver is full. Stand back and get ready to be blessed.

Would you believe it if I told you that every day of the year the Gospel is being beamed into North Korea by short wave radio, and that one million North Koreans are hearing that Gospel message? Imagine it. 30 minutes a day these otherwise destitute NK nationals get to hear readings from a North Korea dialect New Testament read by a real North Korean, a man we will call "Mr. Kim", living in South Korea, plus an audio drama of the life of Christ, and even a reading of the classic Wurmbrand book Tortured for Christ !

Would you also believe me if I related that before September of this year, 600,000 Gospel tracts will arrive by air into various parts of the Hermit Kingdom north of the DMZ? That plans are being made to increase that number astronomically by technology that will allow year-round launches of balloons carrying these fliers?

Would you still stay with me if I told you there are 13,000 North Korean defectors living in Seoul ghettos as we speak, and that they are also being reached with a message of hope and purpose? That many of them are being trained to bless their own people with the Gospel?

And what would you say if I told you that all of the above energy and planning is North-Korea created and energized?

If you truly believed that all of this is happening, would you think what we often think when we read the papers about North Korea, that "nothing is really changing. Poor folks , they'll never make it now. More famine is on the way. Probably wipe out the whole nation..."?

I recently had to re-seed the back yard. My wife had a garden out there. Now that we're thinking of selling, we are trying to make it look a little more "normal." Unfortunately extensive gardens in a suburb of Chicago aren't considered the norm. So I had to try my hand at horticulture, or whatever it's called. I've decided after several hot days not to leave my day job.

But the work itself was not the worst part. It was the waiting. And waiting. I had decided after about a week that I had really blown it this time. I was mentally planning to re-do the whole thing. No grass! Hey, I'd planted faithfully. I'd watered faithfully. God Himself poured buckets on several occasions. In fact He helped so much that I thought the poor seeds were drowned. Forget this green-thumb stuff.

Then one morning, like that first sign of a beard on a skinny teen-age boy, there it was. The tiniest, frailest, but most beautiful green I had ever seen. This was my grass. I did this. I can't describe how good it felt.

Do you think Jesus might just have a morning like this soon? Oh my, SO many seeds have been planted! Oh my, SO much watering is being done. The Word of God is not bound. It keeps doing what God says it must do. Many lives have been changed forever already. The Word is getting out. Something is stirring deep underground.

What our "Mr. Kim" is preaching cannot be stopped by that other "Mr. Kim." Jong-il had his shot at stopping it for sure. But the plants are growing anyway. See the frail little seedlings sprouting, barely visible above the surface? The news media hasn't picked it up yet. But when they do, what a chance for Christ to be glorified!

For it is Christ Who is touching refugees and orphans. It is Christ Who is feeding the hungry, caring for the dying. The world will see the difference that Christ makes when he is given the reins. May the day come soon.

Information for the above gleaned from Seoul USA in Seoul , Korea and Colorado Springs , CO.

Look for Bob Faulkner's home page on There you will find a combination of love for the Scriptures and a desire for North Korean believers to have their needs met. There are nearly 300 blogs , over 200 Bible teaching MP3's, lists of resources, NK picture albums, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together! Contact me any time at

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Would love to fellowship with believers who respond.

When A Christian Dies

The coldness of the grave awaits every living being on this earth, there is no escape, no delay and no other recourse except the rapture, and even then, the body must still die. We see things in the physical most of our lives. We see the known and material things of this life, we see clouds, stars, sun, moon, automobiles, and every thing else that is physical. The Bible tells us that these things that we can see are temporal and not eternal. But what about the soul of man and especially the believer in Christ?

2Co 4:18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. Living a life for Christ is an every day affair. We look not as the world looks, we hear, not as the world hears and we see, not as the world sees When the world looks at a disaster, the believer sees divine intervention, when the world sees hunger, the believer sees, man made famine, when the world sees death, the believer sees resurrection.

Rom 8:35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Paul tells us in Romans; For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

We weep at the death of another Christian, for this is the Adam nature within all of us. We see a blessed hope for reuniting with them in the by and by. We see reunion with great joy and gladness but we still cry. We weep at the death of those that are lost, for theirs is a death within death. Their time is over for decision making and another second death awaits them. They die without hope.

For I, my self, am persuaded, that all of our grief will turn to joy at a time and place chosen by God. Jesus promised us that he would never leave us nor forsake us, this is also including the time of our death. The grave is not cold for a Christian but rather a place that the body can be rested and changed from mortal to immortal.
Sometimes our grief turns into Great in extent, quantity and duration; very extensive, sorrow.

We see someone that gave all for family, husband, wife, children and especially Christ. These Christians will be sorrowfully missed. They all give their heart and sometimes their very life to further the Doctrine of the Everlasting Father. For as Jesus stated about the little Girl, She is not Dead, but just sleeping. The most famous passage, to me in scripture, is;Jesus Wept.
John 11:35-36; Jesus wept.
Then said the Jews, Behold how he loved him!

Behold how he loved him! Behold how we loved our departed, sorrow, grief and tears are natural, and must be done to bring closer to our fellow Christians departure, to meet our Saviour. In over fifty years, I have seen many a loved one and Christian put beneath the ground, wondering what they were doing, how they enjoyed not having any more pain, suffering, aging and worry. How were they adapting to joy unspeakable and full of Glory and especially how they reacted to meeting Jesus face to face, this was always a wonderful thought to help me, grieve. Many years ago, the Children of Israel were tempting God and being skeptical as to Gods power, this were their words; Yea, they spake against God; they said, Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?

We as Christians believe in God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit and Gods word, then as believers we must also believe in the resurrection of the Body and Spirit. The unbeliever, at death, takes a journey into darkness and flames, awaiting the final judgment, the Christian takes a journey into life everlasting with Christ awaiting the resurrection of their immortal body. So the question arrives to all that read this message, What will the journey at your death be like?

Mat 22:31-32; But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying,
I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.
The Christian must remember the promises of God when He stated; God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. Our Christian family's, Friends, and acquaintances, are not really dead but alive with Christ, we must all comfort ourselves with these words and seek a Kingdom above, for God is not the God of the Dead but of the living. Weep then not for the dead, but rather the living. ars.
This message is dedicated to all our brothers and sisters that have lost a loved one.

2Co 4:18 -
we: 2Co_5:7; Rom_8:24, Rom_8:25; Heb_11:1, Heb_11:25-27, Heb_12:2, Heb_12:3
for: Mat_25:46; Lev_16:25, Lev_16:26; 2Th_2:16; 1Jo_2:16, 1Jo_2:17, 1Jo_2:25
Rom 8:35 -
shall separate: Rom_8:39; Psa_103:17; Jer_31:3; Joh_10:28, Joh_13:1; 2Th_2:13, 2Th_2:14, 2Th_2:16; Rev_1:5
shall tribulation: Rom_8:17, Rom_5:3-5; Mat_5:10-12, Mat_10:28-31; Luk_21:12-18; Joh_16:33; Act_14:22; Act_20:23, Act_20:24; 2Co_4:17, 2Co_6:4-10, 2Co_11:23-27; 2Ti_1:12, 2Ti_4:16-18; Heb_12:3-11; Jam_1:2-4; 1Pe_1:5-7, 1Pe_4:12-14; Rev_7:14-17

Temple of Spirit & Truth Ministries A.R.Smith Ministries

In North Korea - Hyok's Big Mistake

Right around the year 1995 in the northeastern section of North Korea lived a 10-year-old boy named Hyok. Hyok later escaped from this land and gave us his story in the fascinating This Is Paradise! But in this particular year on an especially boring day in school, Hyok made a serious mistake.

Now it's pretty easy to make a mistake in North Korea. The government takes the place of God but has created rules that the true God never dreamed of inflicting on His creation. In fact, Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who labor, and I will give you rest." Unfortunately this Scripture and all the Scriptures were strictly forbidden to young Hyok, and to all the people he left behind to this day.

Hyok knew it was a terrible thing to do anything disrespectful to the government's "Great Leader." He would never consciously have tried to ridicule this man-god. But when you're bored, you're bored. Looking at the badge on his chest, the compulsory one bearing the image of the nation's dictator, Hyok began to doodle. Well, a little more than doodle. He began to re-create the picture that he saw. Slowly, carefully, the badge's surface was reproduced on his paper.

The little boy sitting next to him probably didn't want to hurt Hyok. But instinct told him that something was awry here, and that if he didn't report this incident, he himself would be in trouble.

"Teacher! Hyok is insulting the Great Leader!"

Now, before I unveil the scene that ensued, imagine a similar scene in the United States. Alright, we're a pretty disrespectful nation, let's be honest. So let's suppose it is a strict Christian School down South or out West. You're bored in class. You start drawing. And from pictures you've seen on TV, you start to create the likeness of our President on your paper. Your neighbor sees you. Questions:

  • does he report you or try to draw something even better at his desk?

  • supposing he does report you, what does the [good Christian but strict] teacher do. Imagine the worst.

Now that you've imagined the worst America might offer, let's revisit Hyok in 1995. Here's what happened, according to his own story:

  • He was made to stand in the middle of the room, where

  • For five minutes the [female] teacher literally beat him all over his body in front of his peers.

  • During this time she yelled at him hysterically to make him realize how utterly awful was the sin he has just committed.

  • Hyok was then sent to the back of the class where he was to stay - on his knees - the rest of the day.

  • As a final "blow" he was asked to write several pages of confession of his crime, showing his true penitence.

That was one of Hyok Kang's childhood memories. The kind of scar that only Jesus can heal properly. Lord we pray for Your saints in that land, but also ask that You use the hardships of North Korea to continue to draw unbelievers to the rest that You freely give. Amen. is a website I put together a few months back to get the word out to believers that they need to pray for North Korea. Just about every day I'm writing a blog featuring some news, a book, or a story of North Korea. There's a live news feed on the site, lists of resources, picture essays, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together!

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Who are you? Would love to fellowship with believers who respond on my site.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Abomination Of Desolation Described

Matthew 24:15, from the mouthy of Jesus: "Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (whoever reads, let him understand)..." One thing Jesus does not do anywhere in this Olivet discourse is tell us what the sign means!

Instead, he refers us to the Prophet Daniel. And there we must go, if we are to understand. Daniel spoke no less than four times about the "abomination of desolation". He approaches the subject several ways, and leads us to some clear conclusions. He also points us to a man in history who actually desecrated the temple in an abominable way. Yet evidence within Daniel and the clear sense of what Jesus is saying tell us that that ancient king has not fulfilled the prophecy of Daniel or Jesus. Not yet.

Jesus says that when we see this abomination, this thing God hates, it will be standing in the holy place. Standing because it is placed there? As in the previews we get in history from Antiochus Epiphanes two centuries before Christ? Or General Titus forty years after Christ? Or standing of his own accord, and sitting too, as Paul reveals in his second letter to Thessalonica, chapter two?Standing in a place that is holy. No need to conjecture as to what was the "holy place" to the Jews. Daniel speaks of a Temple. Jesus was standing near the Temple when He spoke these words. Paul says this man will actually be in the Temple of God!

Yes, we know that our bodies and the church of Christ are both referred to as temples in the Bible. But there is no need for such an interpretation when the text cries out to be literally understood. We are talking about a man here, in one historical -yet still prophetic - incident, who sits in a physical space, inside the yet to come Temple of the Jewish people. So the verse says that when we see what Daniel said it's time to run. And it closes with an all-important admonition to all Bible-readers. The Spirit of God knew that the words being spoken in that day would be more important to readers than to hearers in the long run, and so made sure that they (readers) got the message: understand! Read it over and over, do your homework, figure out what this means! What is inside will eventually jump out at you. Yes, the Lord knew that the words being spoken that day would be committed to pen, to typewriter, to computer, and that literally billions of people would one day have access to them. It has now reached you. May you have the grace to seek the Lord with all of your strength until you have unlocked fully your future.

Many seem not able to believe that God can do the things He seems to be saying. Like, how could there be yet another Temple? Perhaps many asked that when Solomon's Temple was floored. But a new building came. Actually the plans for such an edifice in our day are already on the table. A quick "Google" search for the phrase "Temple Faithful" will yield more than enough evidence that real live Jewish people are planning a come back of sacrificial worship just as soon as it is politically possible. Never mind that it will not be "efficacious" or necessary, it is coming. is a website I put together a few months back to get the word out to believers that they need to pray for North Korea. Just about every day I'm writing a blog featuring some news, a book, or a story of North Korea. There's a live news feed on the site, lists of resources, picture essays, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together!

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Who are you? Would love to fellowship with believers who respond on my site.

A Two Year Old Prophecy Over My Life That I Cherish

It was Juliette who wanted to write tonight, but it is I who want to speak to you and your heart. So I am the One who is choosing to speak to you. I have told Juliette that she is not to be the one to write and that she is to shut down her mind and allow Me to say exactly what I want to say to you without changing My words or allowing herself to cut in when she feels that I couldn't possibly be wanting to say these things to you.

There are times when I look at you with wonder and think about why you continue to be so hard on yourself. You have much to give, yet you let your own ideas dominate over the ones that I have for your life. You freely give My words to people, yet fail to see that I have words that I want to freely give to you.

Yes, My heart grieves at the lack of commitment from those who know Me and yes there is much anger I carry in My heart for the injustice of this world and I allow you to feel these things to enable you to see that I am the One who cares about those who you see around you.

You have continued to be faithful to Me and have reached into the lives of many. You do not understand why I use you and you do not understand why I give you wisdom. You cannot see why I continue to take you into the night and speak into the lives of people who dont know you and at times dont want to know you. But I have a plan and purpose for your life that goes way beyond what you will ever be able to understand.

The times that you struggle are the periods in your life that will bring you growth. The times when you feel darkness around you, are the times I need you to reach out to Me the most, for it is My strength which will sustain you through these moments.

I have taken you and called you to Myself. You say that you never asked for what you have now, yet you asked to serve Me, you asked to reach into the lives of people and to show them Me. Now you carry your burden and there are times when you want to run away. You escape into sleep and cannot see that it is I who is trying to shine a light into your life that will cause you to lift from the moment of despair that you find yourself in.

When you wrote your web site did you think it was just a foolish notion or do you believe it was something that I planted within your heart? When you wrote the words that spoke into the lives of those that sought answers from you did I not give them to you because you were happy to serve Me and bring My love into peoples lives. My ways are not your ways. My ways are infinitely greater and always will be.

Those that fear Me know what it is to serve an awesome God. A God who created the Heavens and the earth and who set the stars in the sky as a reminder to all who gaze upon them.

My love for you goes beyond what you will ever understand and your worth is found in Me. You are worthy because I say youre worthy and there should be no better reason than that. I am who I say I am and you look at these words and believe them. Can you then not also believe that when I say you are worthy, you are!

I have spoken over your life words that see you moving beyond this nation and now is a time of testing and refining. I will use these moments to create within you a new heart and will create within you a new mind. Your eyes will see infinitely more than they do now. Your ears will hear more wisdom than youve already heard and there will be fresh revelation of who I am and what My ways are.

Over and over I will show you what it is to know Me in great intimacy. You see before you your friend Jesus who has traveled this road with you and who has loved you despite all your circumstances. I also love you and want you to see that as much as Jesus loves you, Jesus also loves all those around you. His heart breaks for those that dont know Him and His heart bleeds for those who turn away.

My word does not lie and there will be times of judgment when I pour out My wrath upon this earth. You know that in your heart to be true. There will be moments in time when My anger will come down in such a way that countless lives are wiped out in an instant. Does this mean I do not care about my people? Does this mean I dont long to save everyone?

I have tempered my anger with great love and it is I who decide those who should die and those who should live. It is before Me that people will stand in judgment, it is before Me that they will have to give account of all that theyve done. It is before Me that they will need to explain why they made the decisions they did.

I want you to see that you are special to Me and that I have just as many words for you as I have for those around you. I want you to see that what you pour out I will pour back in. I want you to see that what you freely give will be freely given back to you.

Keep running child, keep fighting.

I am outworking My will in your life and I am changing you from glory to glory. No more will people be able to say about you that you dont belong. You belong to Me, youre Mine. I own you, youre marked by Me. My Son carries His stripes for you, my Son carries the marks in His hands for you. My Son who walks with you and who you know so well.

Do you see the weight of my words for you? When you spread your wings, you are going to soar because you will soar with Me, but now is not yet the time to spread your wings. Theres more I need for you to learn. Theres more I need to teach you. Theres more I have to give you before I send you out amongst the nations. Theres more that you need to learn to see through My eyes.

Everyday will bring with it new challenges. Everyday will bring with it new lessons. Everyday will see you experiencing something different. I desire for you to see in those experiences the depth of My love not only for you, but for all people.

Dont let go of Me My son, hold my hand. Place your hand in Mine and let Me hold you close and comfort you, especially now. Let Me pour in great refreshing. Let me do a new work in you. Let Me be the one who causes you to grow. Such love I have for you.

When the moon is in the sky and the stars shine, do you see the blessings I have for your life? Each star represents a blessing that I want to give just to you. Each light represents a part of Me that you still dont understand.

Your worth to Me outweighs the treasures of this world. Your worth to Me outweighs the wall you have seen standing here in Heaven. Your worth to Me goes beyond what your mind can conceive. Dont try to understand it, just accept it!

Try to see that I will have My way, no matter what happens. My little friend, so open to Me, so wanting to please and serve Me. Such beauty I see in you, such pleasure.

When you read this it is My heart you will see. When you read it again, it is my wisdom you will fathom. When you read it once more it will be My words that sear across your mind.

Take these things I say to you and burn them on your heart, remember that it is I who love you and it is I who will have My way. Just be obedient to Me and let Me order your footsteps according to My plan for your life and you will see that the plans you commit to Me will succeed.

With love from your Father in Heaven.

Have you ever wanted to see a clairvoyant but the Bible forbids it? Did you know that there are people in churches with a gift of prophecy that can get a message off God for you? You can ask questions of them and they can take the questions to God for you. Eighty percent of the church don't use these people as they don't think the gift of prophecy exists anymore but the people that do use them get tremendously blessed.If you are not a Christian just say that in your email and the prophet will be more sensitive to you. Come and request a free personal prophecy today at

How To Clean Up Your Dirty Side Really Quick

His name was Eugene. Haven't seen him or heard from him in over 50 years, but I can't forget what he did for me. If he continued on with the Lord, we'll meet up on the other side.

I was a 5th grader at Linden Elementary School . Eugene was in 6th. I was a pretty bad kid. Eugene was worse. That's why he was my hero. I especially remember him as having a bad vocabulary. His mouth, his words, his stories. He was the worst.

Eventually Eugene had to move on. In those days you went from 6th grade to Junior High. After three years of that you were in High School. Usually you stayed in one building for those last six years.

Eugene was gone. I tried my best to fill his shoes. Then one day there he was again. I couldn't believe my eyes. From across the playground I caught a glimpse of my old friend. Evidently the High School was off that day. Of course, with Eugene it wouldn't matter. Maybe he was cutting class. All the more reason for my reaction.

I barreled across that playground and greeted him like the exalted person he was to me. Soon after that display of emotion, I started to tell him the latest joke I had heard from the street. I don't remember the joke right now except to say it was probably pretty lowly if I meant to impress King Eugene.

Then - I'll never forget it - the king put his hand out and motioned for me to stop. "Sorry, I don't listen to those jokes any more. Jesus Christ has come into my life and changed me..."

My countenance fell and crashed on the ground. Something new but at that time unpleasant went all through me. Was it disgust I felt or shock or what?

Eugene, how could you! I thought but never said. After an embarrassed reaction to this bit of news, the snake that I was slithered away looking for solace...

But the seed was planted. A simple no and a simple testimony. God used it. And God will use what you do also, Christian soldier! The creative miracle of Acts 2, where God poured out His Spirit and sent His followers out full of Life, continues today. The seed is within you, as surely as it was in the plants and animals that He blessed on creation week. When we plant that living seed in the human heart, the result, believer, is life and life eternal. is a website I put together a few months back to get the word out to believers that they need to pray for North Korea. I have created over 200 blogs and the site features a live news feed, lists of resources, picture essays, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together! Contact me any time at

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. I love to write Scriptural works. Who are you? Would love to fellowship with believers who respond.

Jesus Speaks on Death and Dying

When Sylvia and I got married, the minister commented that he had done as many weddings as he had done funerals. All of his funerals lasted. Not all of the marriages that he performed have lasted. One thing is for sure, we are all going to die once per lifetime. There will be no second chance to go back and do it over. If God were to call you today, are you ready to die for Him?

In Matthew 20:17-28; Mark 10:32-45; Luke 18:31-34, Jesus prepares the Apostles for His coming death. James and John's mother asks Jesus for preferential treatment for her sons. Jesus challenges their commitment and then informs everyone about how to have true greatness. Are you willing to die to yourself for Jesus?

We're All Going to Die - Matthew 20:17; Mark 10:32; Luke 18:31-32 Jesus and the Apostles are on their way to Jerusalem. Jesus will not leave the city and immediate area alive. He prepares the Apostles again, reminding them that He is going to die as the Old Testament prophesied.

Death is something that is going to happen to everyone who is conceived on this earth. Not even God's Son will escape the pain of dying. We need not lament that we are going to die, but be prepared so that we don't have to "get ready" if that moment should come suddenly.

Best Friends May Betray You - Matthew 20:18-19; Mark 10:33-34; Luke 18:33-34 One thing that makes this situation especially painful is that Jesus declares that He will be betrayed. He doesn't give any clue that it is one of the Apostles, but He knows. He does state that it will be unfair, cruel and final. Jew and Gentile will be involved in His death (murder).

How would you feel if someone that you were close to lied about you to authorities in a way that was quickly going to result in your execution? How would you feel if you knew this person was going to do that, days, weeks, even years ahead of the event? Could you tolerate having them in your company? Jesus did! No matter how much someone has hurt you in your life, you have never experienced the betrayal that Jesus endured!

Bargaining With God - Matthew 20:20-21; Mark 10:35-37 The mother of James and John comes to Jesus upon this announcement and, not realizing fully what she is asking, requests that they be given special honor in Jesus' Kingdom. She may have totally missed that Jesus is going to die and be expecting Him to set up a Kingdom in Jerusalem. That is what most of His followers are expecting from Him. Death is totally out of their minds. Whether she understands or not, she tries to bargain with Jesus for that special favor.

Most people who are dying go through a phase of bargaining for more time. All of us want some kind of "glory" or recognition. We will look to God or someone else for a special favor or title in hopes that it will give us a degree of life after we are dead.

Paying the Cost - Matthew 20:22-23; Mark 10:38-39a Jesus responds to the request for James and John by asking them if they are willing to pay the price to have the honor. They declare that they are willing to do whatever is required in exchange for the recognition.

Nothing "great" comes without a cost. If you want a raise or promotion, you have to deliver more work or assume more responsibility. Although our salvation is not on such terms, privilege on this earth does require a responsibility and special commitment if we are going to receive the honor. Are you willing to die for Jesus, if necessary? Are you willing to pay the price of your life in order to maintain your eternal life with Him?

Jealousy in the Ranks - Matthew 20:24; Mark 10:39b-40 The other Apostles are a little upset at James and John for asking for special favor. After all, aren't they as good (or better than) those two?

Being jealous is a waste of time. You should use your talents for God and not compare yourself to others or complain because they have some talent that you do not have.

Dying to Self - Matthew 20:25-28; Mark 10:41-45 Jesus sees the resentment towards James and John and must now defuse the jealousy and wrong attitudes in the ranks. He tells them that the one who is truly greatest is not the boss, but the worker who is out there doing something for others.

Which is more important to you, getting the honor or serving the Lord? Is Jesus truly first in your life? If He is, what are you doing to help advance His Kingdom? Are you the best worker at your job? Does your integrity reflect Jesus' presence in your life? Is loving others and serving Jesus more important to you than getting recognition or controlling others? Are you willing to die to yourself (your selfishness) for Jesus? God bless you and have a great week!

These articles are related to the "Getting To Know Jesus" Bible study series, a non-denominational Bible study that is written to help you become more like Jesus! Jesus is a role model and a testimony of God's best being given to us!

The world acclaimed "Getting To Know Jesus" Bible study series is now available in your choice of formats:

1. Online in eBook - Excellent for self-study right on your computer.
2. Printed study volumes - Great for small group Bible studies.
3. Logos Bible Software - synchronized with the entire Logos Bible study software library.

Read endorsements from Dr. Bob Russell, Dr. Woodrow Kroll, Dr. Tino Ballesteros, Dr. Bill Peters and others.

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Our mission is to help you experience a more dynamic, personal and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ in order that you may live your life more like Him. Please join us in fulfilling this mission statement and support this ministry with your prayers and tax-deductible gifts.

Glen Copple is an ordained minister who has over 25 years of preaching and teaching experience in ministering to non-denominational churches. In 1983, he earned a Master of Arts in Ministry from Pacific Christian College (now Hope International University) in Fullerton, CA, and has had ministries in Kansas, Missouri, and California.

In previous ministries, Pastor Glen taught through the Life of Christ and developed the structure for "Getting To Know Jesus." He knew that God led him to put his years of ministry and Bible study to work to share with you, your family and friends in this non-denominational study of Jesus Christ, his life and teachings.

Daniel And The Animals That Told The Future

Let me lead you through the curious dream of the prophet Daniel, to show you a little of our future.

Daniel 8, verses 1-4, and 20. The last emperor of Babylon is reigning. Soon Medo-Persia will be replacing Belshazzar and company, as recorded in the famous "handwriting on the wall" story of chapter five. But before Belshazzar's demise, the God of history intervenes via a vision to His prophet. Daniel sees a two-horned ram, with uneven horns. It is pushing north, south, and west. No one is able to stop him. Since he is not pushing east, we assume the ram is an eastern power. But no need to speculate any further, for Gabriel, Daniel's guide in most of his visions, tell us that the ram with two horns is the uneven amalgamation known in history as Medo-Persia. The "two-ness" of the ram's horns matches with the uneven sides of the bear of chapter seven and the two arms of the statue. Three visions, but one message.

Verses 5-7, 21. Next comes a goat. From the west. It is flying. Goats don't fly, and neither do leopards. But a flying leopard represents this same nation in chapter seven. Medo-Persia, eastern, pushed west, in the great march of Xerxes. But this nation is western, pushing east, and covering the whole known earth! What a perfect description of the rise of Greece and its first major push by Alexander the Great, represented here by one horn. But all of this too is not guesswork, for Gabriel tells us that the goat is Greece and that the horn is the "first" or primary king of that emerging empire, whom we know to be Alexander, the one who some say wept because he had conquered the earth so quickly that there were no more challenges.

There is a confrontation between ram and goat and the eventual victory of Greece, which now rules the world several hundred years before Jesus' visit. But you say, why is world history suddenly so important? Is it not true that Bible scholars depend on history sometimes when defending their interpretations of Scripture, and come to the wrong conclusions? Yes, but this is very different! Here, the Holy Spirit Himself, via an angel and a prophet, are the historians. They are giving the interpretations and deliberately pointing us to historical settings. We are compelled by Heaven to look closely at Greece and the politics that follow. When you look long enough you will see the answer to the question of the disciples in Matthew 24, regarding the end of all things, and the sign of that end.

Verse 8, 22. The goat in the vision grows. Greece expands. But the goat's horn is broken. Alexander dies. Greece does not die, only the horn, the leader. In place of the one horn grow four horns. In place of the one leader there are four leaders with four separate territories. Gabriel points us to more history. He says that four kingdoms will arise from the Greek Empire. Did it happen? Most definitely! The generals of Alexander fought for many years over his legacy and who would rule what. The conflicts that ensued have been dubbed the "successor wars."

When the dust settled there were indeed four regions vying for power. One was Greece itself, tied to Macedonia. We might call this area roughly "the Balkans" today. Another was Egypt. Then there was Asia Minor, or Turkey. By far the largest and therefore the most difficult to control was the eastern portion of the empire. Today that portion is called Iraq, Iran, Syria, Palestine, and even more territory to the east .

Are you following? Look where the Book of Daniel has gone in just a short time. All the kingdoms of the world from Daniel's day to the end of time. Then just Medo-Persia and Greece. Then just Greece. But we must narrow further to find the one we seek. And Daniel's vision does just that.

Verses 9-12, 23-25. The heart of Daniel's message here and in other chapters is the defining of another horn on the goat, the territory of the Grecian Empire after Alexander, represented by four horns now, thus four parts. Now Daniel sees a fifth horn. It is small at first. Thus the term "little horn" has been applied to the person represented. He was small at the beginning. "Vile", says the angel in chapter 11. Despised. Rejected from royalty. But he does not stay small. Over time, over the ages, he grows to become a fantastically significant world power. In this tiny fragment of a verse hidden away in your "old" Testament is a secret that is larger than you can imagine. It is the secret of the antichrist. is a website I put together a few months back to get the word out to believers that they need to pray for North Korea. Just about every day I'm writing a blog featuring some news, a book, or a story of North Korea. There's a live news feed on the site, lists of resources, picture essays, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together!

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Who are you? Would love to fellowship with believers who respond on my site.