Friday, September 4, 2009

The Sign - The Abomination Of Desolation

How many times during the life of Jesus, as we have it in the Gospels, do Jewish apostles ask questions and receive answers? Are all the responses to their questions intended for Israel because the disciples were Jewish? No one is considering giving up the Lord's prayer (I hope) or the "Comforter" teaching of John, using this logic. Is literal Israel involved in all this? Yes, of course they are! But have we been grafted into the tree called Israel? (Romans 11:17-21) Yes, of course we have! Our fates intertwine.

The disciples asked for a sign, and they received one. A very specific event is foretold, after which Jesus will come. Let's look at this event: It is called by Jesus and Daniel, the abomination of desolation. It is an unthinkably evil occurrence that causes destruction, annihilation, a scattering, a desolate state of affairs.

Now, what in the world could do that? A clue is given: it "stands" in the holy place, Jesus says (24:15). The Jewish listeners knew that Jesus was speaking of their temple. Remember that John, who wrote more than 20 years after the Temple of Jesus' day was destroyed, is seen in the Book of Revelation measuring a Temple on earth. Oh, yes, there will be a Temple in the last days. Even as I write, preparations are being made to raise it up. Those who object to the idea of a Temple should read the latter portions of Ezekiel's book. Other prophets (Isaiah, Micah) saw the house of the Lord in the latter days. A consistent literal interpretation of Scripture demands such an edifice.

History records two times at least when the Holy Place was desecrated by something "standing" in it. Both Antiochus Epiphanes in 163 BC and Roman General Titus in 70 AD placed in the Temple things abominable to God. Once it was a pig. Once it was an idol. Both times desolations occurred immediately thereafter. There was a massacre of Jews, destruction, desolation both times. But Daniel who along with Jesus prophesied the abomination that makes desolate must have had in mind something even more horrible, for they both tie it to a time of incomparable agony. That time has not come yet because the agony itself is tied to the very end of all things, and that end has not come. Antiochus and Titus were only showing us

a little of what will happen when the Temple is occupied again and desecrated again.

But some ask, Can a Temple even be the real House of God again? I ask this: Was the Temple ever the real House of God, or was it merely a picture of Heaven, the Church, and the very Body of the Lord Jesus Who is the true Temple? The point we are making here is that antichrist and the Jews of that day will consider the Temple in Jerusalem to be holy, and a watching world will know exactly what is being said by its occupation.

Daniel in his 8th chapter speaks of daily sacrifices being taken away, an army's opposition, a "transgression of desolation," and the trampling of the sanctuary. He is told in the same chapter that all of this is to happen in the time of the end (8:9-19). Then in the retelling of these events in chapter 11 and 12, the same events are tied to "a time of trouble such as never was..."

Similarly, Jesus mentions not only the same desecration of the temple, but the surrounding of Jerusalem with armies in Luke 21:20-24, the parallel passage to Matthew 24. Here is mentioned the "times of the Gentiles", making many think that the period from Titus' devastation until the Jews return to their Temple is such a time. But in fact, Revelation 11:1-2 clearly states that the time of total Gentile domination in this context is three and one half years.

Daniel and Jesus both saw the end times. The abomination that made desolate in Antiochus' day was already history when Jesus prophesied. And now, the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus is history, and the predicted coming of Jesus has not materialized. So we must look to the future for fulfillment of both of these prophesies.

Paul adds the final piece to the puzzle when he describes in II Thessalonians 2, one who will sit in the Temple of God himself! If a pig or a statue has such a horrible effect on the region, what happens when the arch-enemy of God himself declares his deity and challenges God face to face?

Exciting, yet dreadful days ahead. Let us be ready to carry our cross wherever He leads. is a website I put together a few months back to get the word out to believers that they need to pray for North Korea. Just about every day I'm writing a blog featuring some news, a book, or a story of North Korea. There's a live news feed on the site, lists of resources, picture essays, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together!

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Who are you? Would love to fellowship with believers who respond on my site.

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