Thursday, April 23, 2009

Powerful Beliefs in the Bible - How Powerful Exactly is the Bible

If you're a Christian, you probably believe in the Holy Bible and take it for granted, that this is the written Word of God. Here's a book that most people look upon as very sacred. I don't know if they do it anymore, but in a court of law, they would ask you to swear upon the Bible and to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God.

I would assume that this would generate fear in a prospective liar that was a Christian, but if you are a Muslim could you lie or should they switch the Bible to the Koran. Some things don't make sense do they. This made sense to me at one time and I even used this to gather some information from a nine year old boy at one time. I was amazed at how fast he told me the truth, when I pulled out a Bible and was going to have him swear to me that he wasn't lying. Try that one with your children.

I have seen Bible's in museums, on pedestals in churches and visible as you enter someone's home or bedroom. Are the Bibles that are located in people's homes to send you a strong sign of their faith. Do any of these Bibles ever get used or are they just there for looks?

Looking upon the Bible as a sacred symbol can create a sense of comfort and fear. At one time, I believed the Bible was some sort of sacred book and needed to be touched very delicately. I often wondered as a child if I accidentally tore out a page of the Bible, if I would have to spend an eternity burning in a lake of fire.

Are Bibles made at special factories and does each one of them need to be blessed or put in special shipping boxes before they are sent out to be sold or given away? I wonder if they use holy water during the printing procedure, if water is actually required. Do you think the paper come from special trees and are these trees grown on holy ground, maybe in a special forests guarded by angels. This is starting to sound like the makings for a good movie.

People can form powerful beliefs about other objects as well as the Bible. You should think about, some of the things you used to believe in and some of the things you still believe, then compare the two. Some of my old beliefs no longer serve me in a positive way. The Bible is just a book and should be treated like any other book. If the pages get ripped ripped fix them, if the bindings get loose repair them and if they become hard to read or have seen better days, replace them.

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Greg is currently working on a Christian and spiritual library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility. It's based on overindulgence

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